Santino the chimp teaches us a thing or two


" human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

SANTINO, WE SALUTE YOU: Chimps have been getting a lot of bad press lately, but we here at Thin Slices think it's safe to say that humans are to blame. (High horse alert!) We lock them up, try to domesticate them, and essentially treat them like dumb dogs instead of the intelligent wild animals that they are. Santino fought back and taught scientists something in return. (RL)

GUT CHECK TIME: A London department store is launching a gut-cinching garment for men. But what do we call it? The man girdle? Mirdle? Either way, it doesn't seem like what we meant when we asked for help in these belt-tightening times. (RS)

THE WIZARD OF WOZ: Steve Wosniak might be a computer genius and an entrepreneurial god, but apparently he dances like a "Teletubby going mad." At least that's what one Dancing With the Stars judge said. (RL)

MAN UP, MEN: Esquire magazine has taken it upon itself to list the 75 albums "Every Man Should Own." Check it out and see where you stand. If you're a woman, I'm not sure what you should do. (RL)

BARBIE FIGHTS BACK: In Japan, Barbie's not real popular -- go figure -- but she's battling back with a full line of wedding gowns. Good for her. And, don't forget to wish her a happy 50th birthday. (RL)

UGLINESS UPDATE: The sheer nastiness of the Chris Brown vs. Rihanna domestic violence case has kept it out of the Thin Slices realm for the most part. There's obviously nothing funny about it. But here's an update, with Brown wanting to be charged for a simple misdemeanor. (RL)

DON'T CRY FOR JEWEL: Yes, and injury has forced her off Dancing With the Stars but at least she takes really cool vacations. (RL)

Rod Lockwood


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