Lindsay Lohan's in trouble (again)


" human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

HMMMM: Lindsay Lohan is in trouble again and we are, yawn, shocked! Shocked, I say. Now she has to go back to court, deal with that messy DWI, her dad's mad at her and, oh, it's all a mess. What we find most interesting is that apparently on Saturday she ended up at Jack Nicholson's house. (RL)

MODELS GONE BERSERK: Watch even a moment of TV anymore and there are Jerry Springer like fights between all kinds of bimbos and menbos on reality TV. So it shouldn't come as a suprise that a casting call for America's Top Model devolved into a melee. Break it up, girls. (RL)

YES, WE WERE SQUIRMING TOO: Anyone who saw Jon Stewart dig his claws into Mad Money's Jim Cramer on The Daily Show Thursday night had to feel a kind of weird mix of pity and disdain. Now Cramer's going to have to piece his career back together. Here's one person's advice for him. (RL)

Rod Lockwood


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