Meet Mel Gibson's new girlfriend


" human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

MEET MY GIRLFRIEND: Mel Gibson paraded his new girlfriend (heck, she could be his old girlfriend for all we know) down the red carpet Tuesday for the Hollywood premiere of X-Men Origins: Wolverine just a couple of weeks after his wife filed for divorce. The girlfriend is Russian singer Oksana Grigorieva. Hmm, she looks a lot younger than him. Funny how that works, isn't it? (RL)

IDOLATRY: The gang at American Idol tackled Rat Pack songs Tuesday night and they wore suits and stuff. Frank Sinatra tossed and turned in his grave, we would imagine. Here's a catch-up from Monday, breaking down the performances with all the necessary snark. (RL)

ARIZONA WOLFMAN: Hugh Jackman took the premiere of X-Men Origins: Wolverine on the road and out of Hollywood to, of all places, Tempe, Arizona. The folks there were understandably thrilled and hopefully we will be too when the movie opens here on Friday. (RL)

NO BOUNCING BABY BEYONCES: Despite her role as a mother in the Fatal Attraction, clone flick she's in now, Obsessed Beyonce Knowles says that she and her husband Jay-Z aren't ready for kids just yet. (RL)

SIMON SEZ: Always the spoil sport, Simon Cowell says that Susan Boyle's got some work to do if she's going to win Britain's Got Talent, including sing even better than she has before. We suppose he's right, but did he have to say that about her never being kissed? (RL)

Rod Lockwood


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