'LeftRightLeftRightLeft,' not just a cadence, but a free live album by Coldplay; download now


"LeftRightLeftRightLeft," the free live album that Coldplay is giving away on CD to every fan who attends this summer's "Viva La Vida" tour, is now available as a free download from the band's website.

BATTLE ROYALE: American Idol loyalists will have two clear cut choices next week when Adam Lambert -- the showy one -- faces off against Kris Allen -- the meat and potatoes one. Adam's a theater major who went nuts over Katy Perry Wednesday night, which is why we predict he'll win. But the other guy will have a longer musical career. You heard it here first.

"...as human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

BATTLE ROYALE: American Idol loyalists will have two clear cut choices next week when Adam Lambert -- the showy one -- faces off against Kris Allen -- the meat and potatoes one. Adam's a theater major who went nuts over Katy Perry, which is why we predict he'll win. But the other guy will have a longer musical career. You heard it here first. (RL)

WINDING DOWN: The weirdly complicated and compelling Losthas been put to rest for another season and msyteries abound. Blade Pop Culture Editor Kirk Baird is here to help you sort it out. (RL)

IT JUST WON'T STOP: As The Donald sat by her side, Thin Slices ingenue Miss California Carrie Prejean said there may be even more revealing photos of her and if it shocks you that a young beauty contestant posed for lingerie shots and other racy pics, then please send us the address of that rock you've been living under. Check out Jon Stewart's take on The Daily Showand you'll see where we're coming from. Meanwhile, Blade Pop Culture Editor Kirk Baird weighs in on the subject. (RL)

REALITY SHOW RUNDOWN: Ty Murray has been kicked to the curb. The rodeo champ was elimated from ABC's Dancing with the Stars last night, leaving only three celebrities -- Shawn Johnson, Gilles Marini, and Melissa Rycroft -- to compete in next week's finale. Helen Phillips was happy to be crowned The Biggest Loserin last night's season finale of the NBC reality series. Phillips took home $250,000 for shedding 140 pounds on the show, with a final weight of 117 pounds. The remaining trio of American Idol contestants each got their moment to shine, while a dapper Simon looks on. (KB)

CELEBRITY TREKKIES: It turns out that Star Trek fans come in all kinds. Winona Ryder has a cameo in the new movie. Past films and TV episodes have included everyone from John Tesh to Christian Slater. Check out this gallery of famous faces on Star Trek. (RS)

HAPPY BELATED MOTHER'S DAY: Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg were at it again on Saturday Night Live this weekend with a new skit called "Mother Lovers" that's kind of hard to explain on a family newpaper Web site, but lord is it funny. Let's just say it involves a unique Mother's Day gift idea. Check it out. (RL)

DID YOU FIND THE TRIBBLE?: Star Trek enthusiasts (everyone else calls them "geeks," but we here at Thin Slices prefer the more respectful term "enthusiasts." That said, if you can "speak Klingon" then you're a geek.) are shivering with glory today. Not only is the new movie great by most accounts, but it went crazy at the box office. Probably even better than Twilight for what that's worth. Anyhoos, there are a few secrets tucked away in the new flick, including a Tribble. And The Blade's Kirk Baird was out eating fast food this weekend and riffing on the Trek merchandise in his new blog. (RL)

Rod Lockwood


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