$10 million is not enough so Paula Abdul is leaving 'American Idol'


"...as human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

GUNS ABLAZIN': Paula Abdul is gone baby gone from American Idol and she's blasting the show for being cheapskates. After all, they were only going to pay her $10 million and she wanted 20 mil. And some of the former contestants are teeing off on AI, too. We're shocked! Meanwhile, Posh Spice has signed up to be a guest judge next year. Kind of ironic if she's going to be judging the contestants' singing given her stellar music career. (RL)

FALL THIS WAY: A sure sign you're getting too old to rock is when you're falling off stages, your replacement knee is acting up, and you bonked your head on your sports car. Welcome to the Aerosmith world tour. (RL)

WOW: The leading entry in the "Weirdest Family of the World" contest has to go to those wacky O'Neals. Son Griffin says dad Ryan hooked him on cocaine when he was 11. Father-son bonding taken to an extreme, no doubt. Meanwhile, Ryan says he hit on his own daughter, that would be Tatum, at Farrah Fawcett's funeral. Why? Well, he didn't recognize her and, um, she was a "beautiful blond woman." (RL)

BURNING FOR ME: Here's the perfect solution to that age-old problem that starts with the question, "Honey, where did you put mom's ashes?" An urn that looks like the deceased. We want one!!!! (After we die, of course.) (RS)

THE ANSWER IS OBVIOUS: Eminem is one strange cat. Obviously he has some musical talent, but he doesn't know how to act like a musician. He's really good at acting like a bratty celebrity, though. His latest exploit is a "song" that disses Mariah Carey. We're not big Mariah fans here at Thin Slices, but, as this fan says, "the part about murdering [her], that probably is a little too far." Well, yeah. Here's Carey's hubby's response, but really he has every right to whack Eminem upside the head. At which point, Em would no doubt sue him or sic his bodyguards on him. (RL)

Rod Lockwood


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