Kanye West, the new 'Twilight' trailer and a snotty little brat


"...as human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

WIMP FACTOR: Sheesh, Kanye West gets all diva-y with the innocuous Taylor Swift at the MTV video awards show Sunday? Lame-o. Kanye needs to accept that: A) These awards are stupid and B) He's got to be the wimpiest rapper ever, given his annual whinefest over himself or his pals not winning. Time to grow up, fella. (RL)

LOVE BITES: The trailer for the new Twilight movie is out. Pardon us for our ignorance here in the Thin Slices headquarters, but this movie looks awfully complicated. And how come no one says, "I vant to suck your blood"? (RL)

DECORUM!!!!: Your reaction to this one probably depends on whether or not you have, or have had, a 2-year-old child at any point. If you have, then you're probably with the parents: shocked!!!! But if you haven't, well, truthfully, you're probably thinking, "I can see that." (RL)

Rod Lockwood


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