Kanye, Kardashian welcome baby girl

Kanye West and girlfriend Kim Kardashian attend a benefit in New York.
Kanye West and girlfriend Kim Kardashian attend a benefit in New York.

Kris Jenner says her daughter Kim Kardashian is thrilled to have a new baby.

Kardashian and her rapper boyfriend Kanye West were keeping silent in the wake of multiple reports that Kardashian gave birth over the weekend — about a month premature.

But Jenner told E! at the Daytime Emmys on Sunday that Kim is “extremely happy and thrilled for the new baby and she’s doing great and she’s beautiful.”

Kardashian’s sister Khloe appeared to have let a rather cryptic cat out of the bag on Twitter.

“I can not even begin 2describe the miracle that is now apart of our family. Mommy/baby are healthy &resting. We appreciate all of the love,” she tweeted Sunday.

She quickly followed with a second tweet: “More info will come when the time is right! Thank you all for understanding! We love you all dearly! Overwhelmed with love right now.”

Jenner linked to both tweets on her Twitter account, then wished West a Happy Father’s Day.