Donald Sterling's friend V. Stiviano tells police she was attacked by 2 men outside NY hotel


NEW YORK — The woman Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling was talking to when he made racist remarks says she was assaulted by two men outside a New York City hotel.

Police say V. Stiviano spoke to detectives today and told them the assault happened outside the Gansevoort Hotel in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District on Sunday night.

Police say Stiviano said there was an exchange of words and she was punched in the side of the face. Police say they’re investigating the possibility the unidentified men used racial slurs during the attack. Stiviano is of black and Mexican descent.

Messages seeking comment from Stiviano’s lawyer haven’t been returned.

Stiviano’s audio recording of the Clippers owner led to his being banned from the NBA. Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has agreed to buy the Clippers for $2 billion.