Daily log: 10-27



Bay Park Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tal

An­gel Miller, Port Clin­ton, girl, Oct. 25.

Steph­a­nie Hum­mer, Toledo, boy, Oct. 26.

Flower Hos­pi­tal

Amanda and Igna­cio Or­tega, Syl­va­nia, girl, Oct. 23.

Pa­tri­cia and Jo­shua Shirey, Toledo, boy, Oct. 23.

Brit­t­any Heise, Toledo, boy, Oct. 24.

Steph­a­nie and An­drew Fer­gu­son, Tem­per­ance, girl, Oct. 24.

Mercy St. Char­les Hos­pi­tal

Adri­enne and Mi­chael Sand­wisch, Wood­ville, girl, Oct. 22.

Erica and Joseph Brock, Lind­sey, Ohio, girl, Oct. 22.

Ken­sey Fil­cek and An­dre Har­ris, Toledo, boy, Oct. 23.

Katie Kovacs, Toledo, girl, Oct. 24.

Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­i­cal Center

Jas­mine Hum­phries, Toledo, boy, Oct. 23.

Ni­cole Wortham, Toledo, boy, Oct. 25.

Jen­ni­fer and David San­som, Toledo, two boys and a girl, Oct. 25.

St. Luke’s Hos­pi­tal

Amber and Adam Spiess, Grand Rap­ids, Ohio, girl, Oct. 25.

Ash­ley Baker and Jay Perez, Toledo, boy, Oct. 26.

Rob­bie Jan­u­ary, Toledo, boy, Oct. 26.

Toledo Hos­pi­tal

Ken­yata Weston, Toledo, boy, Oct. 25.

Sarah Sch­midt, Toledo, girl, Oct. 25.

An­drea and Justin Hoff, Ross­ford, boy, Oct. 25.


Mar­riage li­censes

Lu­cas County

Oct. 25, 2012

Mar­ion Gi­rar­dot, 63, and Dor-o­thy Roach, 53, both of Swan­ton.

Char­les Erich­son, Jr., 34, fork­lift op­er­a­tor, and Jen­ni­fer Fether, 33, in­sur­ance sales, both of Toledo.

Sean Strauer, 28, ra­diol­ogy tech­, and Brandi DeYoung, 24, nurse, both of To-ledo.

Robert Pow­ers, 56, la­borer, of Tem­per­ance, and Jodi Eise­man, 44, cab driver, of Toledo.



Lu­cas County

An­narino, Mary Jo, 72, Chatham Val­ley, neu­ro­cardi-ogenic syn­cope.

Bech­tel, Mark , 56, An­thony Wayne Trail, Wa­ter­ville, pend­ing.

Curry, Tracy, 47, Starr Avenue, Ore­gon, pend­ing.

Cur­tis, Kath­er­ine, 73, Mill Run Court, can­cer.

Dun­lap, Carol, 89, Swan Creek Drive, cor­o­nary ar­tery dis­ease.

Forille, John, 76, Galena Street, can­cer.

Frost, Robin, 52, Ne­vada Street, pend­ing.

Grey, Lloyd, 89, Lam­bert­ville, pneu­mo­nia.

Hol­mes, Easter, 72, Stick­ney Avenue, can­cer.

Jones, Char­ley, 61, Mont-pe­lier, Ohio, chronic ob­struc­tive pul­mo­nary dis­ease.

Keefe, Wanda, 88, South Wheel­ing Street, Ore­gon, tho­racic aor­tic dis­sec­tion.

Metz­ger, David, 53, Col­ton Street, pend­ing.

Moffitt, Frank, 64, Ar­ca­dia Avenue, lym­phoma.

Ru­towski, Lois, 84, Ot­tawa Lake, Mich., can­cer.

Sanders, Joyce, 78, De­fi­ance, pul­mo­nary hy­per­ten­sion.

Smi­ley, Mary, 80, Jami­son Drive, car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease.

Squire, Kathy, 52, Stead­man Street, can­cer.

Stacy, John, 76, Find­lay, in­trace­re­bral ho­m­or­rhage.

Stearns, Eric, 56, 13th Street, can­cer.

Stew­art, Floyd, 84, Sum-mer­dale Avenue, neo­plasm of rec­tum.

Stokes, Eleanor, 81, Park-wood Avenue, neu­roen­do­crine tu­mor.

Taorm­ina, Ju­lius, 80, Ade­laide Drive, uropsep­sis.

Temple, Betty, 66, Dustin Road, Ore­gon, can­cer.

Thomp­son, Martha, 89, Cross­well Place, myo­car­dial in­farc­tion.

Thorn­ton, Lynn, 55, West Syl­va­nia Avenue, en­do­car­di­tis.

Townsend, Ear­nes­tine, 92, Or­lando, Fla., cer­e­brovas­cu­lar ac­ci­dent.

Usher, Rex, 85, 105th Street, car­di­o­re­spi­ra­tory ar­rest.

Van­dyke, Leo­nard, 76, Ann Drive, sub­dural hem­or­rhage.

Wag­ner, Josephine, 68, Lick­ing Street, fail­ure to thrive.

Wal­deck, Ethel, 87, Ceme­tery Road, White­house, con­ges­tive heart fail­ure.

Wal­lace, Ger­al­dine, 68, In­ver­ness Avenue, ade­no­carci-noma.

Weaver, Char­les, 88, For­sythe Street, con­ges­tive heart fail­ure.

Webb, Robert, 94, Bay­berry Place, Ore­gon, de­men­tia.

Wil­son, Tom­mie, 92, Eleanor Avenue, de­men­tia.

Woznicki, Betty, 92, In­dian Road Cir­cle, Alz­hei­mer’s dis­ease.

Yape, Alma, 92, Park­cliffe Lane, car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease.


Crime re­ports

Fe­lo­ni­ous as­saults

Mar­jorie Walker and Feli­cia Walker, threat­ened with hand-gun at res­i­dence in 3100 block of Cot­tage by bur­glar try­ing to rob them; also fired at closed doors.

Tina Wain­scott, as­saulted at res­i­dence in 900 block of Buf-falo.

Chris­to­pher Neal, Da­mion Neal, and Chris­tine Neal, shot at on street in 200 block of Gib­bons.

Tony Biv­ens, as­saulted and robbed of keys at gas sta­tion in 1200 block of Dorr.

Joe San­difer, Jr. and Char­les Mar­shal, shot on street in 400 block of Parker.

An­thony Raitz, shot at res­i­dence in 500 block of Cleve­land.

Kim Hyatt, Jr., shot on street at Prospect and Smead.

Johnika Hall, shot on porch in 500 block of Ever­ett.


Tracy McNutt, Jr. and Eve­lyn McNutt, as­saulted and robbed of cash on street at Green­wood and Parker.

T.J. Maxx, store em­ployee as­saulted and robbed of mer­chan­dise at store in 800 block of West Alexis.

Mary John­son, as­saulted and robbed of cash at res­i­dence in 800 block of Blum.

Sean Blevins, as­saulted and robbed of wal­let with cash and per­sonal doc­u­ments at bus sta­tion in 800 block of Jef­fer­son.

Willem Tax, robbed of iPad on bus at Jef­fer­son and North Mich­i­gan.

Jamie Kolod­ziej­ski, robbed of purse with ben­e­fits card, med­i­cines, and cell phone on street at Ne­vada and East Broad­way.

Brad­ley Smith, as­saulted and robbed of cash on street at 11th and Adams.

Daniel Haar, as­saulted and robbed of bi­cy­cle and cell phone on street at South and Spen­cer.

David Jones, as­saulted and robbed of pair of shoes and wal­let with cash and ID card on street at In­di­ana and South 15th.


Steph­a­nie John­son, toy ve­hi­cle and for­mula milk from ga­rage in 1700 block of Fair­fax.

Linda Ruetz, cash, TV, and lap­top com­puter from res­i­dence in 5300 block of Ams­den.

An­thony Hall, lap­top com­puter and clothes from res­i­dence in 4700 block of Southaire.

Nik­isha Gary, video game sys­tems and food from res­i­dence in 600 block of Ar­ca­dia.

Lester Brazzel, tubs, ra­di­a­tors, and re­frig­er­a­tors from res­i­dence in 1000 block of West Wood­ruff.

Linda Walker, cen­tral air con­di­tion­ing unit, fur­nace, and wa­ter heater from res­i­dence in 2500 block of Rosedale.

Kim­berly Ab­bas, coin col­lec­tion and jew­elry from res­i­dence in 1100 block of White.

Chere Si­mon, threat­ened with hand­gun and robbed of TV, video game sys­tem with games, and wal­let with cash and ID card by man who kicked in front door at res­i­dence in 1400 block of Brooke Park.

Linda Henry, TVs and fire­arms with am­mu­ni­tion from res­i­dence in 1900 block of Chase.

Todd Mor­gan, ste­reo re­ceiver and med­i­cines from res­i­dence in 1900 block of Broad­stone.

Don­ald Hill, Jr., tools and golf clubs from ga­rage in 600 block of Durango.

San­dria Fran­cisca, TV, speak­ers, wheels, elec­tric me­ter, pipes, mat­tresses, clothes, and pairs of shoes from res­i­dence in 200 block of Palmer.

Craig Daniels, smart phone, lap­top com­puter, nav­i­ga­tion sys­tem, and tab­let com­puter from res­i­dence in 300 block of South Rey­nolds.

James White, TV, DVD player, and clothes from res­i­dence in 300 block of 14th.

Fam­ily Dol­lar, mer­chan­dise from chain store in 1500 block of Broad­way.

Mark Henry, gold watch and video game sys­tem with game from res­i­dence in 1500 block of Brooke Park.

Cen­tral Chris­tian Church, lawn main­te­nance equip­ment and gas can from shed in 1600 block of Ames­bury.

Jim Reed, cop­per pipes from res­i­dence in 3700 block of Up­ton.

Candice Wil­liams, TVs and video game sys­tems with con­trol­lers from res­i­dence in 2100 block of Wal­nut.