Daily Log: 10-30



Bay Park Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tal

Bar­bara and Chris­to­pher Bauer, Toledo, boy, Oct. 28.

Mercy St. Char­les Hos­pi­tal

Tamora Mahler, Toledo, boy, Oct. 24.

Amanna Her­nan­dez, Toledo, boy, Oct. 26.

Jer­emy and Mar­cella Hinz­man, North­wood, boy, Oct. 26.

Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­i­cal Center

Car­rie and Rich­ard Mid­dle­ton, Toledo, boy, Oct. 26.

St. Luke’s Hos­pi­tal

Alisha and Joe Brown, Swan­ton, girl, Oct. 28.

Toledo Hos­pi­tal

Jen­ni­fer and Mat­thew Burg-hardt, Delta, Ohio, girl, Aug. 7.

Rachel and Robert Scha­rer, Toledo, girl, Oct. 27.

Cor­rine Demilio, Wal­bridge, girl, Oct. 27.

Cheryl and Wil­liam Lewis, Toledo, girl, Oct. 28.

Mar­riage li­censes

Lu­cas County

Oct. 26, 2012

Robert Find­lay, Jr., 44, ma­chine op­er­a­tor, of Maumee, and Kat­rina Wolf, 40, of Toledo.

Ja­cab Sam­ple, 21, welder helper, and Tif­fany Koni­daris, 21, both of Toledo.

Wendell Bates, 33, gen­eral la­bor, and Heather Wragg, 34, ma­terial fol­low up, both of Toledo.

Mi­chael Spoon, 37, union car­pen­ter, and Sta­cey Kaczo­rowski, 30, phar­ma­cist, both of Wa­ter­ville.

Kyle Be­at­tie, 23, mer­chan­diser, of Toledo, and Kel­sey Hor­ton, 21, nanny, of Lam­bert­ville.

Har­rold Glover, 32, di­etary tech­ni­cian, and Christy Ciha, 31, cer­ti­fied pub­lic ac­coun­tant, both of Toledo.

James Per­rin, 42, prep cook, and Anna Walker, 41, para­pro­fes­sional, both of Toledo.

Aaron Spy­chalski, 22, welder, and Pamela Tho­mas, 19, groom­ing as­sis­tant, both of Toledo.

Scott Kim­brough, 46, auto worker, and Teron­ica Betts, 42, auto worker, both of Toledo.

Nicho­las Mey­ers, 23, mar­ket­ing man­ager, and Tori Hum­bert, 20, as­sis­tant man­ager, both of Toledo.


Lu­cas County

Bang­hoff, Robert, Sr., 86, Plum­brook Drive, Maumee, Alz­hei­mer’s de­men­tia.

Car­riel, De­bra, 55, Tho­mas Street, re­nal dis­ease.

Con­way, Eugene, 96, Prospect Avenue, chronic ob­struc­tive pul­mo­nary dis­ease.

Cou­ture-Graffis, Missy, 46, Veler Road, Cur­tice, Ohio, pneu­mo­nia.

Duran, Jorge III, 3, North­wood, ho­mi­cide.

Dus­seau, Helen, 91, Con­vent Street, Syl­va­nia, pneu­mo­nia.

Fuller aka Bell, Cosan­drice, 61, North Park Lane, can­cer.

Geor­gia, Dwight, 65, McCord Road, pend­ing.

Har­ris, Ray­mond, 89, Ea­ton Drive, can­cer.

Hedges, Harold, 75, Edge­wa­ter Drive, re­nal dis­ease.

Her­rod, Otis, 39, Law­rence Avenue, in­tra­cra­nial hem­or­rhage.

Hes­sel­bart, Mari­lyn, 80, Wood­ville, pul­mo­nary em­bo­lism.

Him­burg, Robert, 58, Brad­ner, Ohio, mas­sive hem­or­rhage.

Hud­dleston, An­nie, 92, In­di­ana Avenue, con­ges­tive heart fail­ure.

Hughes, Jane, 83, Lam­bert­ville, chronic ob­struc­tive pul­mo­nary dis­ease.

Lewis, Brian, 46, South Wheel­ing Street, Ore­gon, pend­ing.

Lieb­herr, Mil­lie, 75, For­est Grove Drive, pneu­mo­nia.

Loi­ola, Frank, Sr., 85, North Sum­mit Street, de­men­tia.

O’Brien, David, 72, Ly­ceum Place, car­di­o­re­spi­ra­tory ar­rest.

Pitler, Mar­cia, 86, Dar­ling­ton Road, de­men­tia.

Po­horence, Frank­lin, 89, Kel­leys Island, Ohio, cor­o­nary ar­tery dis­ease.

Roush, Loren, 64, Tif­fin, mul­ti­sys­tem or­gan fail­ure.

Schechter, Rita, 87, Wood­ley Court, Alz­hei­mer’s dis­ease.

Schultz, Mar­ga­ret, 92, Farm­ing­ton Road, chronic ob­struc­tive bron­chi­tis.

Schulze, Juanita, 94, Cass Road, Alz­hei­mer’s dis­ease.

Shockley, Wen­dolyn, 51, Ful­ton Street, myo­car­dial in­farc­tion.

Sie­gel, John, Jr., 85, Royce Road, Alz­hei­mer’s dis­ease.

Sul­li­van, James, 89, Stee­ple Chase Cir­cle, cer­e­brovas­cu­lar ac­ci­dent.

Tur­ney, Harold, 69, Jack­son Town­ship, Ohio, sep­sis.

Viles, Joanne, 74, Long­wa­ter Drive, Maumee, de­men­tia.

Webel, Ra­mona, 88, Syl­va­nia-Meta­mora Road, Syl­va­nia, vas­cu­lar de­men­tia.

Wen­land, Lester, 95, King Road, Syl­va­nia, cor pul­mo­n­ale.

Whit­son, Beth, 55, Fair­banks Avenue, pend­ing.

Young, Harold, 83, Grand Avenue, cor­o­nary ar­tery dis­ease.

Crime re­ports

Fe­lo­ni­ous as­saults

Ben­nie Pag­ona, shot in al­ley in 500 block of Wal­den.

Justin Kuehnle, shot at on street in 1400 block of Brook-view.


Paul Mor­ris, threat­ened with knife out­side bar at North Huron and Madi­son by man try­ing to rob him.


Shau­londa Jones, cash, jew­elry, TV, lap­top com­puter, dig­i­tal cam­era, video game sys­tem with games and con­trol­lers, and cop­per pipe from res­i­dence in 2300 block of Hol­ly­wood.

An­toi­nette Nel­son, pairs of ath­letic shoes, video game sys­tem with games and con­trol­lers, and fro­zen food from res­i­dence in 100 block of West Stre­icher.

Ryan McIn­tyre, video game sys­tem, gui­tar, TV, and lap­top com­puter from res­i­dence in 800 block of Hil­de­brand.

Julie Hud­son, TVs, lap­top com­puter, video game sys­tems with games, and TV stand from res­i­dence in 800 block of Brookley.

Nata­sha Mitch­ell, cell phone from res­i­dence in 1100 block of Palm­wood.

Ann Baker McIn­tyre, hand­gun and jew­elry from res­i­dence in 3100 block of Co­ry­don.

Daryl Mays and Ivy Ma­son, TVs, DVD play­ers, com­put­ers, printer, mi­cro­wave stove, air con­di­tion­ers, and jew­elry from res­i­dence in 3100 block of War­saw.

Ash­ley Lee, TVs from res­i­dence in 400 block of East Lake.

Mi­chael White, lawn mower and pack­aged win­dow from ga­rage in 200 block of Haus­man.

Tonya Love, cash from res­i­dence in 3200 block of Glen­wood.

Chris­tine John­son, two mini bikes from ga­rage in 1300 block of Vinal.

Dale Strauss, sport util­ity ve­hi­cle, lap­top com­puter, gun bag with am­mu­ni­tion, and fish­ing fi­let knives from res­i­dence in 700 block of Oak.

Josie Orner, TV from res­i­dence in 6000 block of Hill.

Mosser Con­struc­tion Inc., tools and equip­ment from con­struc­tion site in 4900 block of Suder.

Stop N Go, cell phones from con­ve­nience store in 3700 block of Mon­roe.

Ken Simp­son, Jr., jew­elry from res­i­dence in 4400 block of 289th.

Wire­less Boys LLC, smart phones from busi­ness in 4100 block of Mon­roe.

War­ren Street Garage LLC, cat­a­lytic con­vert­ers from auto shop in 1900 block of War­ren.

Randy Lashuay, brand name watch, desk­top com­puter, and med­i­cine from res­i­dence in 100 block of De­line.

Te­quoia Dixon, TV, lap­top com­puter, and video game sys­tem with games from res­i­dence in 2000 block of North 14th.

Mamie Smith, TVs, grill, wall mir­ror, re­frig­er­a­tor, washer, dryer, stove, clothes, and plants from res­i­dence in 1900 block of Waite.

Raquel But­ler, cop­per pipes and video game sys­tem with games from res­i­dence in 800 block of South­briar.

Brandy Black­wood, per­sonal doc­u­ments from res­i­dence in 3600 block of North Erie.

Steve Shaw, TV from res­i­dence in 3900 block of Up­ton.

U.S. Depart­ment of Hous­ing and Ur­ban Devel­op­ment, wa­ter heater and cop­per from res­i­dence in 2400 block of Hol­ly­wood.

Chad Gr­odi, air con­di­tion­ing unit and cop­per pipe from res­i­dence in 5200 block of Suder.

Mid­west Con­tract­ing Inc., gen­er­a­tor, saw, and la­ser from con­struc­tion site in 1500 block of East Alexis.

Steven­son Cox, high school di­ploma, TV, glasses, bag, belt, pairs of shoes, clothes, tab­let com­puter, tooth­brushes, and gel from res­i­dence in 1200 block of Brookview.

Ernest Hukalo, lawn main­te­nance equip­ment from shed in 6000 block of Su­zanne.

Rhonda Hines, lawn main­te­nance equip­ment, set of tires, gas can, and tool box with tools from res­i­dence in 2800 block of Elm.


Mark Davis, lap­top com­puter from of­fice in 500 block of Madi­son.

7-Eleven, cash from con­ve­nience store in 3700 block of Up­ton.

Kim­berly Reyes, check­book and par­tial set of false teeth from ve­hi­cle in 4900 block of Jack­man.

Bobby For­sythe, wal­let with cash, bank cards, and per­sonal doc­u­ments from res­i­dence in 200 block of Sun­set.

David Forche, snow blow­ers from shed in 5100 block of Breeze­way.

Mary Steiner, wal­let with cash from res­i­dence in 400 block of Pas­a­dena.

Tracy Fletcher, cash and med­i­cine from res­i­dence in 1800 block of Chris­tian.