Daily log: 10-31



Bay Park Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tal

Devonna Moore, Cur­tice, Ohio, boy, Oct. 29.

Cort­ney Fon­taine, Toledo, girl, Oct. 30.

Melinda Drouil­lard, Toledo, girl, Oct. 30.

St. Luke’s Hos­pi­tal

Steph­a­nie Garner, North Bal­ti­more, Ohio, boy, Oct. 29.

Pa­tri­cia Brazzel, Toledo, boy, Oct. 29.

Brande and Matt Calmes, Wal­bridge, girl, Oct. 29.

Lind­say and Eric John­son, Cyg­net, Ohio, boy, Oct. 29.

Adri­enne and Tony Lon­go­ria, Toledo, girl, Oct. 30.

Toledo Hos­pi­tal

Aubree and Brad Fuller, Hol­land, girl, Oct. 28.

Maria and Car­los Gar­cia, Toledo, boy, Oct. 29.

Ari­ana John­son, Toledo, girl, Oct. 29.

Con­suela Gon­za­les, Toledo, girl, Oct. 29.

Ash­ley and Troy West­ho­ven, Lib­erty Center, Ohio, girl, Oct. 29.

In­dia John­son, Toledo, boy, Oct. 29.


Mar­riage li­censes

Lu­cas County

Mi­chael Draeger, 20, line worker, and Tif­fany Lopez, 20, both of Toledo.

Chris­tian Wyck­house, 20, bus per­son, of Maumee, and Megan Mar­ti­nez, 20, host­ess, of Toledo.



Lu­cas County

Beals, Le­roy, 1, Hud­son, Mich., pend­ing.

Daly, Alma, 90, Per­rys­burg, cor­o­nary ar­tery dis­ease.

Gear­hart, Lucy, 83, May Drive, Maumee, con­ges­tive heart fail­ure.

Maulsby, Tae­vion, 4, Earl Street, pend­ing.

Mims, Steven, 50, Ever­ette Street, heart dis­ease.

Ny­cum, Ron­ald, 82, Luna Pier, Mich., hem­or­rhagic shock.

Pret­ty­man, Ben­ja­min, 10, On­sted, Mich., ce­re­bral edema.

Szy­man­ski, Vir­ginia, 91, Dub­lin Place, sep­tic shock.


Crime re­ports

Fe­lo­ni­ous as­saults

Dale Wyse, shot at park­ing lot in 1800 block of North Sum­mit.

Jo­shua Slates, as­saulted at res­i­dence in 300 block of Hi­ett.


Fifth Third Bank, teller robbed of cash from drawer at bank in 3000 block of La­grange.

Zachary Jakubowski, as­saulted and robbed of cell phone on street at Claw­son and Had­ding­ton.

Au­gust Crab­tree, as­saulted and robbed of bi­cy­cle, cell phone, pair of shoes, and pack of cig­a­rettes on side­walk at Ne­vada and Thurston.

Paul Mor­ris, threat­ened with knife on street at North Huron and Madi­son by man try­ing to rob him.

Johnny Whitzel, as­saulted and robbed of cell phone in al­ley at White and Green­wood.


Toledo-Lu­cas County Po­lice Ath­letic League, cal­cu­la­tors, cop­per wire, and desk­top com­put­ers with ac­ces­so­ries from por­ta­ble class­rooms in 1100 block of East Man­hat­tan.

Edward Kelly & Sons Inc., tools from fenced lot in 5000 block of An­gola.

Lashonda Wash­ing­ton, TV, video game sys­tem, iPad, and DVD player from res­i­dence in 1100 block of In­di­ana.

Pamela Craig, fur­nace and lawn mower from house in 1200 block of Wood­land.

Vicki Walling­ton, cam­era from ga­rage in 1300 block of Al­mon.

Je­rina Grace-Pino, TV, video game sys­tem, air com­pres­sor, and car­pet cleaner from res­i­dence in 1900 block of Park­dale.

Mamie Hay­thorne, tools and wa­ter pipes from res­i­dence in 2400 block of Glen­wood.

Tho­mas Cherry, bi­cy­cles, step­lad­der, Christ­mas lights with gar­land, ex­ten­sion cords, and trash can from res­i­dence in 1400 block of Lake­wood.

Shakita Jones, TVs from res­i­dence in 600 block of White.

Dan Docherty, scoot­ers from res­i­dence in 3200 block of East Man­hat­tan.

Tho­mas Potrze­bowski, cases, clothes, wires, and kitchen sink from res­i­dence in 3400 block of Stick­ney.

Toby Friess, wal­let with med­i­cines and wal­let with per­sonal doc­u­ments from res­i­dence in 1200 block of Delence.

Jan­ette Heard, lap­top com­puter from 400 block of Elder.

Eli­jah Net­tles, com­pres­sor, nail gun, rolls of tar pa­per, strips of weather strip­ping, and pail of tar from house in 1400 block of Prospect.

Fred Bum­pus, cash, jew­elry, and video game sys­tem with games from res­i­dence in 300 block of Hi­ett.

Goldia Pratt, ga­rage door, fur­nace, wa­ter heater, and kitchen sink from house in 1100 block of Mon­trose.

Doro­thy Good­let, TV and video game sys­tem from 1800 block of Marne.

Win­nie Adams, storm door and tools from res­i­dence in 1800 block of Jof­fre.

Mar­cia Hyde, fire­place man­tel, mi­cro­wave oven, bot­tles of wine, doll, and med­i­cines from res­i­dence in 600 block of Thayer.

Ken­yata Ar­ring­ton, purse, jew­elry, and per­fume from res­i­dence in 1400 block of Wal­bridge.

Des­mond Henry, video game sys­tem with games and ca­ble from 1300 block of West Syl­va­nia.

Goody's Truck Parts & Equip­ment Inc., alu­mi­num wheels, muf­fler, and air hum­mer kit from busi­ness in 5200 block of Lewis.

Au­to­mo­tive Com­po­nent Car­rier LLC, bat­ter­ies from truck at fenced lot in 300 block of Dura.

Kim­berly Sum­rall, lap­top com­puter with charger and video game sys­tem with games and ac­ces­so­ries from res­i­dence in 400 block of West Capis­trano.

Val­entina Slaugh­ter, jew­elry from res­i­dence in 3800 block of Re­vere.

Chris­to­pher Dudek, lawn main­te­nance equip­ment from ga­rage in 5900 block of Lewis.

Char­main Buchanan, jew­elry, TVs, com­put­ers, and pairs of boots from res­i­dence in 1000 block of In­di­ana.

Stan­ley Braswell, paint sprayer and power saw from res­i­dence in 900 block of Coven­try.

Tasha Brown, cash, TVs, lap­top com­puter, and video game sys­tems with games and con­trol­lers from res­i­dence in 200 block of Clifton.

Ron­ita Jones, safe from res­i­dence in 1900 block of Delence.

Ideal Hot­dog, cash from restau­rant in 1100 block of West Alexis.

Den­nis Gal­li­gan, cash, jew­elry, coin col­lec­tion, TV, and hand­gun from res­i­dence in 300 block of San Jose.


Nor­man Stevens, food stamp card and per­sonal doc­u­ments from res­i­dence in 3200 block of Glen­dale.

Kim­berly Miller, jew­elry from res­i­dence in 3800 block of Wat­son.

Rich­ard Keenan, hand­gun with am­mu­ni­tion from res­i­dence in 100 block of West Florence.

Mi­chael War­ren, cell phone with ear­phones and wal­let with cash, bank card, and driver's li­cense from ath­letic fa­cil­ity in 2000 block of Tre­mains­ville.

Pa­tio and Walk­way Creations LLC, busi­ness checks from res­i­dence in 1700 block of Acorn.

An­drea Wright, book bag with bank cards, gift cards, and per­sonal doc­u­ments from res­i­dence in 2500 block of East­gate.

Pa­tri­cia Page, wal­let with cash, bank cards, food stamp card, gift cards, and per­sonal doc­u­ments from bus in 1100 block of West Cen­tral.

An­gela Willis, wal­let with cash, bank cards, ben­e­fits card, and per­sonal doc­u­ments from out­side of res­i­dence in 3500 block of Re­vere.

Steve Mitch­ell, wa­ter tank, plumb­ing, and wires from house in 1100 block of North Mich­i­gan.

Ruth Peter­sheim, cash, ben­e­fits card, clothes, hy­giene prod­ucts, and food from res­i­dence in 2800 block of Trim­ble.

Chuk­wudi Onubogu, wal­let with cash, bank cards, and per­sonal doc­u­ments and pa­pers from res­i­dence in 800 block of Thorn­wood.

Austin Koback, power tools from ve­hi­cle in 4900 block of Stick­ney.

7-Eleven, cash from con­ve­nience store in 3700 block of Up­ton.

Kim­berly Reyes, check­book and par­tial set of false teeth from ve­hi­cle in 4900 block of Jack­man.

Bobby For­sythe, wal­let with cash, bank cards, and per­sonal doc­u­ments from res­i­dence in 200 block of Sun­set.

David Forche, snow blow­ers from shed in 5100 block of Breeze­way.

Mary Steiner, wal­let with cash from res­i­dence in 400 block of Pas­a­dena.

Tracy Fletcher, cash and med­i­cine from res­i­dence in 1800 block of Chris­tian.