Suburban crime log: 11-10


Erie Town­ship


Tren­ton Dus­seau, pair of bas­ket­ball shoes from road­way in 2200 block of Rauch.


Bed­ford Town­ship

Fe­lo­ni­ous as­sault

Travis Bess, as­saulted at Par­malee Park.


Ger­al­dine Man­nor, TV, hear­ing aids, and med­i­cine hold­ers from res­i­dence in 200 block of West Dean.

Clau­dia Hughes, TV and video game sys­tems from res­i­dence in 400 block of West Sterns.

Tho­mas Kle­man, TV, iPod, cell phone and skate­board from res­i­dence in 1400 block of Pep­perell.


Duane Welch, fi­ber­glass truck cap from res­i­dence in 1400 block of Bed­ford.

Sue Kvit­tem, gar­bage can from res­i­dence in 9900 block of Minx.

Lind­sey Badger, cash from hair sa­lon in 7400 block of Se­cor.

Ja­son Szy­man­ski, cross­bow with ac­ces­so­ries, nav­i­ga­tion sys­tem with charger, range finder, pair of bin­oc­u­lars, knives, ra­dar and la­ser de­tec­tor, back­pack, scent spray, grunt call, flash­light, pair of gloves, hat, cans of to­bacco, scent lock suit, sweat­shirt, and hunt­ing li­censes from ve­hi­cle in 3500 block of Wim­ble­don.

Tim­o­thy Du­puie, nav­i­ga­tion sys­tem, range finder, com­pound bow with ac­ces­so­ries, shot­guns, long ri­fle, and tools from ve­hi­cle in 6800 block of Lewis.

Den­nis To­bian­ski, po­lit­i­cal signs from yard in 8100 block of Bri­ans.

Lori Biggs, smart phone from school in 8200 block of Jack­man.

Kim­berly Brown, bi­cy­cle from res­i­dence in 1400 block of Long­fel­low.

Phil Ci­o­lino, bat­ter­ies from ve­hi­cles at busi­ness in 6700 block of Lewis.


Lake Town­ship


Mario Vallera, Cur­tice, Ohio, trailer li­cense plate from busi­ness in 5700 block of Wood­ville.

The­odore Bit­ter, bi­cy­cle from ga­rage of res­i­dence in 270000 block of Lemoyne.




Sonya Foster, un­known per­son broke in home in 1600 block of Key, no loss re­ported.


John Nadolyn, Spring­dale, Lam­bert­ville, car ste­reos, speak­ers, and am­pli­fier from ve­hi­cle while parked in 300 block of Chest­field.


Mon­clova Town­ship


Su­san Nie­miec, wal­let with store credit card and per­sonal doc­u­ments from res­i­dence in 10500 block of Obee.

Bauer Lawn Main­te­nance, pickup, snow­plow, and tools from park­ing lot in 6300 block of Mon­clova.

Kath­leen Wil­son, up­right sweeper from res­i­dence in 8000 block of North Bridge.

Sh­er­wood Food Dis­trib­u­tors, auto parts from wrecked semi from drive­way in 9000 block of Maumee Western.




Eliz­a­beth Ko­prowski, 1200 block of East­land, bag of jew­elry from purse while in 1700 block of South Wheel­ing.

An­tonio Zap­ata, 2000 block of Oak­dale, cell phone from 5600 block of Sea­man.

Belinda Gon­za­lez, cash from ve­hi­cle parked at home in 2300 block of Taft.

Ad­dison Stras­bourg, tool box and tools from ve­hi­cle while parked at home in 2700 block of Pickle.


Mark Cousino, known per­son broke in home in 600 block of An­ma­rie, loss un­de­ter­mined.

Terry Patchen, dig­i­tal tab­let from ga­rage of res­i­dence in 5100 block of Nadir.

San­dra Moreno, TVs from res­i­dence in 2800 block of Pickle.




Ty­rone Cooper, Spring, Texas, trailer, cloth­ing, cook­ing items, jack, and tire while parked in 2400 block of Ore­gon.

Jared Veale, Spring Lake, Mich., tool box and as­sorted hand tools from ve­hi­cle while parked in 2600 block of Lau­ren.

Lucinda Perkins, pay­roll check from res­i­dence in 200 block of Gard­ner.


Per­rys­burg Town­ship


Billy Parker, un­known per­son sy­phoned gas from ve­hi­cle parked at home in 7400 block of Star­crest.




Ryan Fisher, Cuya­hoga Falls, Ohio, cross bow, tools, and tree stand from ve­hi­cle while parked in 10000 block of Bass Pro.




Jef­frey Schulte, cam­era from ve­hi­cle parked at home in 200 block of Meadow.

Deb­o­rah Cos­tello, bag of chil­dren’s cloth­ing from ve­hi­cle while parked in 300 block of East Union.

Jaime Pear­son, 9th, Wood­ville, un­known per­son broke into ve­hi­cle parked in 300 block of Meadow, loss un­de­ter­mined.

Arthur Wog­gon, cash from ve­hi­cle while parked at home in 300 block of Meadow.

Saman­tha McDaniel, cash from ve­hi­cle while parked at home in 100 block of Elm.


Spring­field Town­ship


Rachel Air­hart, dirt bike and bi­cy­cle from ga­rage in 2200 block of White Oak.

Rashida Finn, TV from res­i­dence in 400 block of Ban­quot Way.

Buddy Carr Apart­ments, coin-op­er­ated clothes dryer tops with mech­a­nisms from apart­ment com­plex in 700 block of South McCord.


Dora Bren­ner, cash, jew­elry, and video game sys­tem from res­i­dence in 9100 block of An­gola.

JB Au­to­works, ve­hi­cle from busi­ness in 8200 block of Air­port.

Robert Sizemore, tool­boxes and tools from ve­hi­cle in 6800 block of Sun­ridge.

James Vin­das, cash from res­i­dence in 6200 block of Garden.

Daniel Bolo­van, leather bag with cash and bag with pair of gloves from ve­hi­cle in 6500 block of Centers.

Jef­frey Rus­sell, TV from res­i­dence in 200 block of Mer­ton.




Mi­chaelinda Szwast, cash and ring from 6800 block of Con­vent.


Syl­va­nia Town­ship


Chris­to­pher Mor­gan, as­sorted tools from ga­rage of res­i­dence in 5100 block of Est­ess.


Batain­ian Tree Ser­vice, 6100 block of Winter­haven, won­der blower from 4600 block of North­brook.

Hall­mark Homes, Hol­land, Ohio, air con­di­tioner unit and sky­lights from res­i­dence in 6700 block of Kelker.

Abby Saville, Blue Grass, Wal­bridge, purse and con­tents from ve­hi­cle while parked in 2200 block of St. Char­les.

Cathy Famna, cash and checks from res­i­dence in 2400 block of Not­ting Hill.

Chris­tine Diehl, 2800 block of Joelle, purse and con­tents from 2400 block of Not­ting Hill.

Keith Wal­lace, Bran­dy­wine, Tem­per­ance, 2012 navy blue Dodge and 1500 cab Ram truck from 6000 block of West Cen­tral.


Univer­sity of Toledo


Jonese Wash­ing­ton, lap­top com­puter from 2800 block of West Ban­croft.


Dal­las Lynn, iPhone from 2800 block of West Ban­croft.

Laura Vie­itez, lap­top com­puter and case from stu­dent union room in the 2800 block of West Ban­croft.

Tolento Miguel, iPhone from stu­dent rec­re­ation cen­ter in 2800 block of West Ban­croft.

Mary Gwyn, mixer, speak­ers, cords, and mi­cro­phone from 2800 block of West Ban­croft.

Kris­ten Grabowski, iPhone from li­brary in 2800 block of West Ban­croft.

Wil­liam Shuff, 2009 white Ford Fu­sion from lot in 2800 block of West Ban­croft.

Liu Liu, bi­cy­cle from 2800 block of West Ban­croft.


White­ford Towhship


Clar­ence Cow­drey, checks and jew­elry from res­i­dence in 7300 block of Tem­per­ance.


Tyler Price, drill sys­tem and gen­er­a­tor from res­i­dence in 4800 block of Smith.