Daily Log: 11-12



Flower Hos­pi­tal

Kath­er­ine and Francis Lep­kowski, Toledo, boy, Nov. 7.

Lind­say and Rich La­munyon, Wayne, boy, Nov. 7.

Lisa and Jamie Hunker, Gib­son­burg, girl, Nov. 8.

Amanda Wil­helm, Toledo, boy, Nov. 8.

Toledo Hos­pi­tal

Ain­slee and Josh Jones, Toledo, boy, Nov. 10.

Raquel and Robert Walker, Toledo, boy, Nov. 10.

Kat­rina Pope-Young and Mi­chael Young, Toledo, girl, Nov. 8.

Ash­ley and Adam Foster, Lib­erty Center, boy, Nov. 10.

Eve­lyn Wright, Toledo, boy, Nov. 11.


Coroner’s rul­ings

Lu­cas County

Jo­shua Collins, 19, of At­tica, Ohio, Sept. 29, at Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­i­cal Center. Ac­ci­den­tal, mul­ti­ple blunt force trauma sus­tained from auto ac­ci­dent.

Roberto Gon­za­lez, 50, of Toledo, Aug. 2, at Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­i­cal Center. Ac­ci­den­tal, com­bined eth­a­nol and drug in­tox­i­ca­tion.

Robert Jones, 48, of Toledo, Oct. 21, at Toledo Hos­pi­tal. Ac­ci­den­tal, blunt head trauma; de­ceased was struck by auto.

Har­riet Kein­ath, 91, of Hol­land, Oct. 29, at Toledo Hos­pi­tal. Ac­ci­den­tal, cran­io­ce­re­bral in­ju­ries; de­ceased had an un­wit­ness fall at nurs­ing home.

Ryan LaP­lante, 34, of Toledo, Aug. 4, at home. Com­bined eth­a­nol and drug tox­ic­ity.

Jon­a­than Mor­ris, 22, of Toledo, Oct. 5, at Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­i­cal Center. Homi­cide, mul­ti­ple gun­shot wounds..


Crime re­ports

Fe­lo­ni­ous as­saults

Javon Ran­dolph, shot on street in 1300 block of Lawn­view.

Rich­ard Caulton, stabbed in yard in 1000 block on King.

Melvin Red­dick, fired at in 1400 block of Goodale.


James Tyner, threat­ened with hand­gun and robbed of cash at park­ing lot in 1500 block of East Alexis.

Snip-N-Clip Bar­ber Shop, cash from busi­ness in 3500 block of Heat­h­er­downs.

Bran­don McCul­lough, as­saulted and robbed of cell phone on street in 2200 block of Dorr.

PNC Bank, teller threat­ened with hand­gun and robbed of cash from drawer at bank in unit block of South Rey­nolds.

Ron Jack­son and Do­nell Smith, shot at by two men at res­i­dence in 2900 block of North On­tario by two men who also as­saulted Ron Jack­son and robbed him of cell phones, wal­let, and cash.


An­nette Morizen, purse with cash, check­book, eye­glasses, and med­i­cine from ve­hi­cle in 4200 block of Se­cor.

Mary­ann Nach­trab, purse with wal­let, cash, bank cards, and driver's li­cense from ve­hi­cle in 5400 block of Jack­man.

Veron­ica Laverde, purse with wal­let and bank card from res­i­dence in 1000 block of Al­cott.

An­thony Governo, med­i­cines, nav­i­ga­tion sys­tem, ra­dar de­tec­tor, cell phone charger, hunt­ing knives, and ar­row­heads from ve­hi­cle in 500 block of Al­bany.

Michelle Webb, nav­i­ga­tion sys­tem, lap­top com­puter, tab­let com­puter, dig­i­tal cam­era, and leather jacket from ve­hi­cle in 500 block of East Pearl.

Derek Schaef­fer, cell phone sto­len from of­fice at Toledo Hos­pi­tal in 2100 block of North Cove.

Kim June Le, nav­inga­tion de­vice sto­len from ve­hi­cle in 4400 block of West Syl­va­nia.

Di­vorces granted

Lu­cas County

Shawn Zor­nak from Teonna Zor­nak.

Tina Wil­son from Ger­ald Ham­il­ton.

Cor­rin Kessler-Bar­tel from Craig Bar­tel.

Char­les Shep­herd from Mar­ga­ret Shep­herd.

Helen Hen­der­son from Floyd Hen­der­son.

Mi­chael Buchanan from Steph­a­nie Ryan.

Tonya Swantek from Todd Swantek.

Jac­que­line Baker from John Baker.

Florine Law­son from Rollin Law­son.

Na­jeeul­lah from LaToya Lam­bert.

Taba­tha Fenter from Robert Fenter, Jr.

Michelle Scott from Ron­met­rius Scott.

Amber Rob­erts from Gary Rob­erts.

Careyna Kus­mierek from Ja­son Cooper.

Emily Warnott from Mo­ham­med Al­baaj.

Tammy McFar­land from An­dre McFar­land.

An­dre McFar­land from Tammy McFar­land.

Al­isa Tip­pin from Colin Lat­ter.

Ai­hua Lin from Siu­fung Au.

Kris­tie Hoag from Jed Hoag.

Jen­ni­fer Schramm from Char­les Schramm.

Char­les Schramm from Jen­ni­fer Schramm.

Michelle Klos from Don­ald Klos.

Don­ald Klos from Michelle Klos.

Su­san Per­rin from Jay Git­tus.

Craig Mahaf­fey from Lind­say Mahaf­fey.

Lind­say Mahaf­fey from Craig Mahaf­fey.

Ho­sey Gul­latt III from Lisa Gul­latt.

Anita Cas­tro from Na­tiv­i­dad Cas­tro.

Kim­berly Kra­sula from Mi­chael Kra­sula.

Sherry Chan­dler from Rich­ard Chan­dler.

Bar­bara Waite-Shenk from Jay Shenk.

Jay Shenk from Bar­bara Waite-Shenk.



Lu­cas County

Jes­sica Finkel and Phi­lip Raum­berger.

Anis Naghmouchi and Ann Naghmouchi.

James Win­ter­feld, Jr. and Kris­tie Win­ter­feld.

Al­ex­an­der Koss­man and Holly Gre­gory.

David Hipp and Eliz­a­beth Hipp.

Jac­que­lyn Rohloff and Rich­ard Rohloff.

Su­san Ur­ban­ski and Ste­phen Ur­ban­ski.

Dawn Ma­tyi and Scott Ma­tyi