Daily Log: 11-20



Bay Park Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tal

Julie and Ben Nes­sia, Ore­gon, boy, Nov. 17.

Chris­tina Cham­ber­lin, Syl­va­nia, boy, Nov. 19.

Flower Hos­pi­tal

Mela­nie and Adam Badger, Genoa, girl, Nov. 15.

Michelle and Alaa Kas­sem, Tem­per­ance, boy, Nov. 15.

Lisa and Kevin Sul­li­van, Toledo, girl, Nov. 15.

Heather and James Loomis II, Maumee, boy, Nov. 16.

Crys­tal and Caleb Cooper, Toledo, girl, Nov. 16.

Ken­dra and Jer­emy Craig, Toledo, girl, Nov. 16.

Vane­sha Levesque, Toledo, girl, Nov. 17.

Sarah and Kevin Schenk, Ore­gon, girl, Nov. 17.

Mercy St. Char­les Hos­pi­tal

Ash­ley Meier, Mon­roe, girl, Nov. 16.

April Wether­hult, Toledo, boy, Nov. 16.

Saman­tha Hirschfield, Toledo, boy, Nov. 17.

Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­i­cal Center

Dawn and Tim Roark, Tem­per­ance, boy, Nov. 16.

Jamie and Jo­shua Lin­cy­comb, Toledo, boy, Nov. 16.

Gina Tur­ture­ano and Johnny Irimia, Toledo, boy, Nov. 16.

Bri­oni Dick­son, Toledo, boy, Nov. 17.

Kristy Mi­chalski, Syl­va­nia, boy, Nov. 17.

Toledo Hos­pi­tal

Cas­sey Out­land, Erie, Mich., girl, Aug. 19.

Jes­sica and Ste­phen Red­dick, Maumee, girl, Nov. 17.

Mar­riage li­censes

Lu­cas County

Nov. 16, 2012

Todd Tho­mas, 29, sales rep­re­sen­ta­tive, and Ra­chael Kohn­topp, 25, phy­si­cian as­sis­tant, both of Wa­ter­ville.

Char­les Rid­ley, Jr., 30, and Pa­tri­cia Carl, 30, both of Toledo.

Marvin Crit­ten­den, Jr., 22, stock worker, and Jonta Saw­yer, 21, tele­mar­keter, both of Toledo.

Don­ald Bork II, 41, self-em­ployed, and Saman­tha Walimaki, 34, in­spec­tor, both of Mon­roe.

Chad Bal­hoff, 34, li­censed banker, and Jen­ni­fer Mes­sen­ger, 31, sales, both of Hol­land.

David Ja­cobs, 50, and Kiva Stokes, 49, both of Toledo.

Ar­mando Flores, 44, tele­mar­keter, and Mary Vas­cik, 36, tele­mar­keter, both of Toledo.

Mike Hen­drick­son, 40, dock worker, and Robin McGraw, 18, prep cook, both of Swan­ton.

Edward Don­nelly III, 39, lo­co­mo­tive en­gi­neer, and Kris­tine Klein, 36, cod­ing spe­cial­ist, both of Ore­gon.

Ar­chie Don­ald III, 24, pro ath­lete, and Elan Pes­soa, 28, stu­dent, both of Toledo.

Adam Mon­cznik, 26, civil en­gi­neer, and Miranda Clarke, 23, nurse’s aide, both of Toledo.

Aaron Sheets, 20, and Bar­bara Moo­n­ey­ham, 19, both of Toledo.

Ru­dolfo Riv­era, 66, and Laura Lau­harn, 45, both of Toledo.

James Carter, Jr., 26, of Toledo, and Michelle Agap­iou, 30, nurse, of Fosto­ria.

Loren Young, 29, and Sharena Chears, 27, both of Toledo.

Mar­tin Geith­mann, 39, en­gi­neer, of Maumee, and Isa­bel Esco­bar, 39, pro­fes­sor, of Toledo.


Lu­cas County

Bau­man, Eve­lyn, 95, Green Val­ley Drive, Alz­hei­mer’s de­men­tia.

Cole, Frank, Sr., 85, Ful­ton Avenue, Alz­hei­mer’s de­men­tia.

El­li­ott, Char­lene, 64, Ber­nath Court, re­nal dis­ease.

Frey, Bon­nie, 77, Fre­mont, multi sys­tem or­gan fail­ure.

Hage­mann, Rich­ard, Sr., 92, Garden Road, Mon­clova Town­ship, re­nal fail­ure.

Hall, David, 72, Re­vere Drive, lym­phoma.

John­son, Henry, Jr., 72, Pene­lope Drive, Alz­hei­mer’s de­men­tia.

Ker­stein, James, 55, Sout Byrne Road, sep­sis.

Krau­sert, Wilma, 90, Merle Street, re­spi­ra­tory fail­ure.

Kreger, Ar­lene, 89, White Eagle West, Syl­va­nia, Alz­hei­mer’s dis­ease.

Mass­ingill, Ja­son, 39, West Alexis Road, pend­ing.

McCann, Mary, 58, 102nd Street, liver fail­ure.

McGee, Ralph, 65, Carskad­don Avenue, pend­ing.

Not­tage, Patrick, 48, Lima, Ohio, pend­ing.

Oper­acz, Chester, 93, Per­rys­burg-Hol­land Road, Hol­land, con­ges­tive heart fail­ure.

Otey, An­tho­nette, 69, Cor­du­roy Road, Ore­gon, car­ci­noma.

Rat­liff, Bobby, 77, Per­rys­burg, cor­o­nary ar­tery dis­ease.

Shue, Helen, 85, Port Syl­va­nia Drive, Syl­va­nia Town­ship, hy­per­ten­sion.

Skill­man, Edward, 86, Butz Road, Maumee, dif­fuse ce­re­bral is­che­mia.

Slee, Su­san, 63, Cloverd­ale Road, pe­riph­eral vas­cu­lar dis­ease.

Stanek, Chris­tine, 64, Isa­dore Lane, Syl­va­nia Town­ship, can­cer.

Crime re­ports


Kristi Weiss, purse with bank cards and per­sonal doc­u­ments from ve­hi­cle in 4800 block of Mon­roe.

Laura Ruch, purse, jew­elry, cell phone, keys, debit card, cam­era, and per­sonal doc­u­ments from ve­hi­cle in 1700 block of Adams.

Ko­rey Pav­lika, cash, car ra­dio, auto pro­gram­mer, and bow with ac­ces­so­ries from ve­hi­cle at Ber­dan and Belle­vue.

Ryan Phil­lips, sub­woof­ers, am­pli­fi­ers, ra­dio, and speak­ers from ve­hi­cle in 3800 block of Drexel.

David Peck­in­paugh, lap­top com­puter, book­bag with per­sonal pa­pers, med­i­cines, school books, and phone charg­ers from ve­hi­cle at Jef­fer­son and 18th.

Jac­que­line Wilder, cash, checks, makeup bag with makeup, and brief­case from ve­hi­cle at Rein­wood and Teth­er­wood.

Kin­zua Con­sult­ing LLC and Gail Han­son, cash, bank cards, store cards, cell phone, makeup, and keys from ve­hi­cle in 5000 block of Mon­roe.

Shir­ley Car­pen­ter, credit card from res­i­dence in 1500 block of Airline.

Zack­ery Stevens, sub­woof­ers and am­pli­fi­ers from res­i­dence in 6100 block of Hill.

Da­lia Under­wood, purse, food-stamp card, debit cards, and per­sonal doc­u­ments from ve­hi­cle in 1100 block of East Ban­croft.

Di­vorces granted

Lu­cas County

Vir­ginia Vrahiotes from The­odore Vrahiotes.

Ray­mond Sheets from Julia Sheets.

Pa­tri­cia McIll­wain from Jef­fery McIll­wain.

Jef­fery McIll­wain from Pa­tri­cia McIll­wain.

Haithan El-Hindi from Melisa El-Hindi.

Maria Alonzo-Wil­son from Chris­to­pher Wil­son.

Jane Howard from Brian Howard.

Amy Seel from John Seel.

Pamela Neuen­schwan­der from Robert Neuen­schwan­der.

Cathy Bergquist from Robert Bergquist.

Mat­thew Mulkey from Aleya Mulkey.

Mer­lin Cox from Pamela Cox.

Rex Smith from Col­leen Smith.

Col­leen Smith from Rex Smith.

Val­o­rie Frantz from Char­les Frantz.

Char­les Frantz from Val­o­rie Frantz.

Ray­mond Reidling from Monique Reidling.

Monique Reidling from Ray­mond Reidling.

Alan Star­key from Amber Star­key.

Dis­so­lu­tions granted

Lu­cas County

Vicki Sny­der and John Sny­der.

Kim­berly Tullis and David Tullis.