Daily Log: 7-28



Mercy St. Char­les Hos­pi­tal

Jef­fery and Jada Ellis, Ore­gon, girl, July 25.

Luke and Lau­ren Gauk­stet­ter, Oak Har­bor, Ohio, boy, July 25.

Tho­mas and Ni­cole Meagher, El­more, Ohio, girl, July 26.

Car­mella Davis, Toledo, boy, July 26.

Alina Mar­ti­nez, Ore­gon, boy, July 26.


Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­i­cal Center

Alli­son Barry, Toledo, girl, July 25.

Ken­dra Haskins, Toledo, girl, July 25.

Kelly and Kale Junge, North­wood, girl, July 25.

Su­san Ma­clin-Zeisler and Troy Zeisler, Mon­roe, girl, July 26.


St. Luke’s Hos­pi­tal

Ali­son and Eric Kish, Maumee, girl, July 26.

Heather Far­less, Maumee, girl, July 26.