Nun worked variety of education posts


Sister Miriam Eble, 66, a longtime high school teacher who was a former assistant superintendent of religious education for Catholic schools in the Toledo diocese, died Tuesday in the Sisters of Notre Dame's Provincial Health Care Center from complications of a stroke suffered Sept. 30.

Most recently, she was diocesan director of catechetical ministry. She continued to work with diocesan schools, as she had as assistant superintendent, a post she held about two years. She became a religion consultant for the diocesan schools in 1991.

Sister Miriam worked with principals and teachers in the 89 diocesan schools and developed courses of study in religious education "to make sure Catholic identity [was] in schools," said Jack Altenburger, superintendent of diocesan Catholic schools. "She was very respected. Beloved is probably the word," he said.

She worked with people of all ages - from principals to grade school students. "That's what kept her fresh - all those different opportunities," her brother, Denis Eble, said.

Sister Miriam, a graduate of the former Mary Manse College, had a master's degree in religious studies from Providence College in Rhode Island.

She formerly was director of religious education at St. Joseph Church, Maumee, and St. Wendelin Church, Fostoria.

"Her life was a witness to the faith, and she wanted to spread that faith and make sure people were educated well in that faith," Sister Mary Patricia Snyder of the Sisters of Notre Dame said.

Sister Miriam formerly taught religion, English, and German at Notre Dame Academy. She also taught at St. Mary Central Catholic in Sandusky and St. Wendelin High School, Fostoria. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame in 1959 as Sister Mary Llaura.

Her duties left little time for other pursuits. She was a Detroit Tigers fan and occasionally made it to games. "She was always ready for a laugh or humor," her brother said. "She was very accepting of all different kinds of people. She was welcoming and warm, and she was very vibrant."

Surviving is her brother, Denis Eble.

Wake services will begin at 7 tonight and tomorrow in the Notre Dame Provincial Center, where the body will be after 3 p.m. today. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday in Christ the King Church, where the body will be after 9 a.m. Arrangements are by the Abele Funeral Home.

Tributes are suggested to the Sisters of Notre Dame.