Lucas County Dogs for Adoption: 2-18



These dogs are newly available for adoption at the Lucas County Dog Warden’s Office,  410 South Erie St., Toledo.

Listed are the name, breed, sex, and impound number.

‘Simba,’ male Australian shepherd, 167

‘Tomlin,’ male collie/shepherd mix, 190

For information, call 419-213-2800. For a complete list of dogs available for adoption from the dog warden, go to


Dogs killed Feb. 17 by Lucas County Dog Warden Julie Lyle:

Breed and description; location seized; charge:

Mastiff, orange/white male, failed behavior evaluation, aggressive when taking food, bite attempt; Durango, Toledo, running at large.

“Pit bull,” orange/white male, too aggressive to be given behavior evaluation; Hamilton, Toledo, running at large.

“Pit bull” mix, black/white male, pound at capacity for “pit bull”-type dogs; Essex, Toledo, running at large.

“Pit bull,” red male, pound at capacity for “pit bull”-type dogs; East Oakland, Toledo, running at large.

Bull mastiff, orange 10-month-old male named Tiberius, too aggressive to be given behavior evaluation; surrendered by Claude Jones, Rogers, Toledo.


Dogs adopted out Feb. 15-16 by Lucas County Dog Warden Julie Lyle:

Coon hound, black/tan/white female, stray; East Toledo, running at large.

Shih tzu, black/white male, stray; Stickney, Toledo.

Cocker spaniel, black/male, stray; Hill, Toledo.

Cockapoo, tan male, stray; Carlton, Toledo.

Jack Russell terrier, white 6-month-old male named Rico; surrendered by Javaun Hood, Chorus, Toledo.

Retriever mix, black female; Central, Toledo.

Terrier mix, tan male; Champlain, Toledo, running at large.