Lucas County Dogs for Adoption: 7-8


Now available for adoption

These dogs are newly available for adoption at the Lucas County Dog Warden’s Office, 410 South Erie St., Toledo.

Listed are the name, breed, sex, and impound number. For information, call 419-213-2800.

PHOTO GALLERY: Click to view images of these dogs

‘Kennedy,’ male Lab mix, 5660

‘Reagan,’ male Lab mix, 5664

‘George,’ male Lab mix, 5665

‘Abraham,’ male Lab mix, 5663

‘Clinton,’ male Rottweiler mix, 5666

‘Barrack,’ male Rottweiler mix, 5667

‘Ford,’ male boxer/ shepherd mix, 5661

‘Toby,’ male chow/retriever mix, 1046

‘Lily,’ female shepherd/ beagle mix, 1040

‘Bumblebee,’ female shepherd mix, 1105

‘Daphne,’ female Doberman mix, 989

‘Sparkle,’ female shepherd/ Lab mix, 1069

‘Lillith,’ female collie/ Rottweiler mix, 5634

‘Dodger,’ male Dalmatian/Lab mix, 1047

‘Betsy,’ female hound, 925

‘Hillary,’ female spaniel mix, 5614

‘Bruce,’ male shepherd mix, 1061

‘John Adams,’ male hound mix, 5558

‘Michelle Obama,’ female Rottweiler mix, 5662

For a complete list of dogs available for adoption from the dog warden, go to

Dogs killed

Dogs killed July 3-6 by Lucas County Dog Warden Julie Lyle:

Breed and description; location seized; charge:

“Pit bull,” black/white/orange/brown female, failed behavior evaluation test, food guarder; Stickney Avenue, Toledo, running at large.

Rottweiler, black/orange male named Appolo, failed behavior evaluation test, food guarder; surrendered by Angel Blanca, Lewis Avenue, Toledo.

“Pit bull” mix, black/white male, failed behavior evaluation test, food guarder; Colburn Street, Toledo, running at large.

Terrier mix, tan 13-year-old male named Sparky, sick, large tumor under neck, owner requested euthanasia; surrendered by Rebecca Yingling, Seaman Road, Toledo.

Husky, white/black 16-year-old male named Pretty Boy, sick, trouble walking, open wounds, owner requested euthanasia; surrendered by Angie Cole, North Haven Avenue, Toledo.

“Pit bull” mix, black/white 4-year-old male named Mercedes, history of biting; surrendered by Kristyn Mason, Hampton Avenue, Toledo.

German shepherd mix, black/tan/white male, stray, failed behavior evaluation test, dog aggression; West State Line Road, Toledo.

(Lucas County Dog Warden Julie Lyle said the German shepherd mix showed “severe aggression” to another dog during its behavior evaluation test. She said during the testing, they have the dog isolated in a separate room from the other dogs. She said a portion of the evaluation involves bringing another dog in during the test to determine how the first dog reacts. When the dog shows ‘‘severe aggression,’’ it fails the test.)