Lucas County Dogs for Adoption: 11-1


Dogs are newly available at the Lucas County Dog Warden’s Office, 410 South Erie St., Toledo. For information, call 419-213-2800.

For a complete list of available dogs, go to A $50 adoption fee includes spay-neuter, a heartworm check, microchip ID, vaccinations, and a behavioral evaluation.

The Lucas County Dog Warden’s Office is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday.

Dogs killed

Dogs killed Oct. 26, 27, and 29 by Lu­cas County Dog Warden Julie Lyle:

Breed and de­scrip­tion; lo­ca­tion seized; charge, if any:

Rott­wei­ler mix, black and tan fe­male, un­li­censed, dog ag­gres­sion, East Weber Street, Toledo, run­ning at large.

"Pit bull," or­ange and white male, un­li­censed, bite his­tory, South Avenue, Toledo.

"Pit bull" mix, or­ange and white fe­male, un­li­censed, failed be­hav­ior eval­u­a­tion/dog ag­gres­sion, Thatcher Drive, Toledo, run­ning at large.

Shep­herd mix, brown and black fe­male, un­li­censed, vet­er­i­nar­ian rec­om­mended eu­tha­na­sia be­cause of poor qual­ity of life (dog was un­able to walk, had tu­mor, frac­tured jaw, blood com­ing from eye, nose, and mouth), Wal­bridge Avenue, Toledo.

Chow mix, black fe­male, un­li­censed, owner re­quested eu­tha­na­sia be­cause dog was blind deaf, and un­able to hold bow­els, sur­ren­dered by David Notheis, East Broad­way Street, Toledo.

Go to to­le­­g­logterms for a glos­sary of terms used in the dog log.