Clay High sees electricity blowing in the wind


Clay High School plans to begin research in April into the viability of wind energy as an alternative energy source in Oregon.

The city's planning commission last week approved a zoning permit for the high school to build more than one wind turbine on its property for the purposes of research.

The school plans to build at least two electricity-generating wind turbines, costing more than $35,000 each.

No taxpayer dollars are being used in the project, which is entirely funded through private donations, school officials said.

The zoning permit must first be approved March 24 by city council, but Clay High School teacher Dennis Slotnick, who teaches biology and environmental science, said at least one wind turbine will be constructed and running in April.

U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo) is scheduled to appear as the keynote speaker at the windmill's dedication ceremony at 9:25 a.m. April 21, the day before Earth Day.

The high school has already received for the project a $10,000 grant from British Petroleum and another from Sunoco Refinery Inc. in Toledo, Mr. Slotnick said.