Nominations due Nov. 6 for '10 class of the Varsity T Hall of Fame at University of Toledo


Nominations for the 2010 class of Varsity T Hall of Fame are due Nov. 6.

Criteria for membership: Any athlete who has performed with distinction at the University of Toledo. The athlete need not necessarily be a graduate; any athlete who has been out of the University of Toledo for at least five years and who has demonstrated good citizenship since leaving the university; any coach, administrator, trainer, etc. who has served the University of Toledo with distinction for a period of at least five years and who has been retired or resigned or otherwise disenfranchised from his orher position for a period of at least five years.

Anyone may submit a nomination to the Varsity T Hall of Fame. The nomination must be in writing and on an official form from

Nominations should be supported with as much historical data as possible (newspaper clippings, statistics, etc.); a nomination remains in perpetuity if the athlete is not elected into the Hall of Fame.

Send the nomination form, along with all other supporting data, by Nov. 6, 2009, to:

Paul Helgren, University of Toledo

Athletic Media Relations Office- Savage Hall

2801 West Bancroft St.

Toledo, OH 43606

Fax (419) 530-4930

First-year University of Toledo volleyball coach Greg Smith announced the formation of the Model Rocket Volleyball Club.

Any current Rocket Kids Club member, male or female, who is in second through eighth grade can sign up for the group by filling out a membership application.

The Model Rockets Volleyball Club is for youth interested in learning more about volleyball and to generate more community involvement with UT volleyball.

The benefits of becoming a member are being able to attend a free clinic Nov. 7, having a free pizza party with the team, receiving free admission to all home matches, and attending autograph signings sponsored by Corner Dental after each home match.

An official Model Rocket Volleyball Club T-shirt can also be purchased for $5 at the clinic and matches.

"We want our program to be involved in the Toledo community, and I think this is a good way to start reaching out," Smith said. "This is a great opportunity for children to interact with our student-athletes and also find out what a great sport volleyball is."

The Owens Community College men's baseball team will compete against some of the top former student-athletes in the program's history as the Express host their annual alumni baseball game Oct. 11.

The exhibition game will begin at 11 a.m. and will be held at the college's baseball complex on the Toledo-area campus. Owens is on Oregon Road in Perrysburg Township.

Admission to the exhibition game is free and open to the public.

The Owens men's baseball program finished the 2009 season with a 34-10 overall record and captured its eighth regular season Ohio Community College Athletic Conference (11-4 record) title in the program's history. The conference championship is the fifth in the last six years.

Owens Express men's baseball was ranked No. 10 in the final NJCAA Division II poll.

Coached by Bob Schultz, Owens lost to Lakeland Community College in the NJCAA Sub-Region XII Championships.

Owens men's baseball is still accepting registrations for those former student-athletes interested in playing in the alumni game.

For more information, call 567-661-7936 or 1-800-GO-OWENS, ext. 7936.