Rossford High schoolers support Guard unit

Among the members of the Serving Our Soldiers club at Rossford High are, from left, Tiffany DuPuis, Taylor Sweet, Andy Pena, Jordan Bauer, and Sarah Waggoner.
Among the members of the Serving Our Soldiers club at Rossford High are, from left, Tiffany DuPuis, Taylor Sweet, Andy Pena, Jordan Bauer, and Sarah Waggoner.

With a brother serving first in the Army and now the Army Reserves, sophomore Sarah Waggoner was eager to join Rossford High School's SOS Club when it debuted last school year.

The club - which has initials that stand for "Serving Our Soldiers" - helps the U.S. Army National Guard 1483 Transportation Company's families and with activities at its Walbridge post. Members also volunteer for other events and work to honor veterans.

Such opportunities appealed to Sarah and her sister, Julia Waggoner, who graduated last year, because of their 26-year-old brother, Wesley Waggoner, and relatives who are veterans.

"That's kind of why I got into the club, because of my family," said Sarah, who among other club activities has volunteered twice at the Butterfly House of Whitehouse corn maze during its military family night.

"That was a lot of fun," Sarah recalled. "We passed out candy. We got to dress up in costumes."

Now the SOS Club is creating a "Wall of Honor" at the high school that will include a photo, preferably a 5-inch by 7-inch military picture, of every graduate who is or has been in service.

The display will include names, military branch and rank, and Rossford High School graduation year. It probably will be near the office or auditorium.

Rossford High School opened in 1922, and the group hopes to include photos of deceased veterans as well, said club adviser Martha Fellman, who teaches business and computer classes at the high school.

Said Sarah: "I think it's going to be a really great thing to honor everyone who's been here and served."

SOS Club was modeled after a veterans assistance organization at Bowling Green State University, called the Veteran Assessment and Service Team. Mrs. Fellman's daughter, BGSU senior Amanda Steinbrunner, has long been involved with that group.

Rossford members have helped with baby-sitting during a National Guard 1483 family readiness meeting and have volunteered for events geared toward military families. They helped out, for example, at National Guard 1483's Christmas party.

Sophomore Jordan Bauer said she became involved with the SOS Club this school year because various relatives are veterans. Her cousin Eric Scherer of Sandusky is in the Air Force, and he inspired her to join as well.

Through bake sales and other fund-raisers, the SOS Club has collected about $500 and, starting in the fall, hopes to hold an annual breakfast for veterans and military personnel near Veterans Day, Mrs. Fellman said.

The club has 26 members, a few more than it had last school year, when it started, she said.

To be part of the "Wall of Honor," photos and information about Rossford graduates with military service may be sent to Rossford High School, Attention SOS Club, 701 Superior St., Rossford, Ohio 43460.