Walbridge 'Fun Day' to promote pool-pass sales

Kaleb Mosher, 8, hits the water in the Walbridge pool on opening day.
Kaleb Mosher, 8, hits the water in the Walbridge pool on opening day.

With village officials deciding to open Walbridge's pool after all this year, a season-membership drive is being mounted to help raise funds for improved seating, painting, and other work.

Eventually, village leaders would like to reconstruct one end of the pool so people can walk in as they would at the beach - called a zero entry - and install splash features, Walbridge Mayor Dan Wilczynski said.

Estimates put such upgrades at $350,000 to $400,000, but by using its maintenance crews to do preparation work and other tasks, the village hopes to cut that expense in at least half, the mayor said.

While pool-membership sales have not been brisk, Mr. Wilczynski said response is better than last year. A "Family Fun Day" at the pool from noon to 5 p.m. June 19 will aim to boost sales.

"We're actually hoping for some good, hot weather early in the summer to help convince people," he said.

Some nonresidents, meanwhile, have bought memberships, Mr. Wilczynski said. The pool opened Saturday.

After hearing pleas to open the pool, village officials last month reversed an earlier decision to keep the pool closed this season. Village revenues are expected to be about $200,000 less than last year because of decreased income taxes from residents and other losses, and not opening the pool would have saved $41,000.

For village residents, season-membership fees are $150 for families and $75 for singles. Nonresident memberships are $175 for families and $100 for singles. Daily pool admission is $3.

Officials would like to have improved tables, umbrellas, and fencing at the pool this year.