Clay design student wins award in state contest


Clay High School junior Kyleigh Wick was a Top 5 finalist in designing a promotional pin for Ohio as part of a contest sponsored by the Business Professionals of America.

Kyleigh, a visual communications student, used Adobe Illustrator to design her pin, which presents the state’s name against a backdrop of a star and with the motto “Uncover your magic.” She received a plaque and $25 check.

Meanwhile, about half of Clay’s parents have activated the Parent Portal, which lets them track grades, attendance, and other data online. Officials urge parents to make more use of the resource.

Failure to use it makes communication between the school and parents less effective, officials say. About 25 percent of parents get grades and attendance emails regularly; 10 percent track children’s school work through iPhone apps.

The portal can be used to access Power Announcement, which lets parents adjust settings on how the district should contact them. Any parent with questions or needing help with a Parent Portal account should call Linda Toth at 419-693-0661, ext. 3273. The portal can be accessed at ParentPortal@oregoncs.org.