Ourtowns calendars 3/19


What's On

East Toledo

● East Toledo Fam­ily Center’s break­fast with the Easter Bunny, 1020 Var­land Ave., 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Satur­day. Pan­cakes served from 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Lim­ited seat­ing. The Easter Bunny will be avail­able for pic­tures. Free. An adult must ac­com­pany all chil­dren. To vol­un­teer or de­tails call: Jodi Gross, 419-691-1429, ext. 213.

Bowl­ing Green

● North­west Ohio Chris­tian Writ­ers Brown Bag Lunch meet­ing with guest speaker David Yonke at St. Mark’s Lu­theran Church, 515 Col­lege Dr., meet­ing 11 a.m. Fri­day with speaker and bag lunch, man­u­script cri­tiques 1-2 p.m. Topic: “Reli­gion News on the Web.” Details: 419-882-3705.


● Coo­ley Canal Yacht Club and Feather Party, 12235 Bono Rd., din­ner 4 p.m., feather party 5:30 p.m. March 29. Perch din­ner, $10 or whole wall­eye $13. Lim­ited din­ners. Details: 567-202-0216.


● Wood­more High School Drama club presents the mu­si­cal Grease at the Wood­more Ele­men­tary, 708 W. Main St., Wood­ville, 7:30 p.m. Thurs­day, Fri­day, Satur­day, and 2 p.m. Sun­day. Tick­ets avail­able at the high school 10 a.m.to noon or at the el­e­men­tary school from 7:30-9 p.m. on Mon­day and Tues­day.

● Wood­more Select Base­ball craft show at the Wood­more High School, 633 Fre­mont St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Satur­day. 50/50 raf­fles, food, re­fresh­ments, up to 40 craft­ers, and other fun-filled things for the en­tire fam­ily. Pro­ceeds ben­e­fit the se­lect team. Crafters’ reg­is­tra­tion form wood­more­se­lect­base­ball.com or call Este­ban Reyes, 419-345-4104.


● Flag City Train Show at the North­west Ohio Rail­road Pres­er­va­tion, Inc., 11600 County Rd. 99 (I-75 Exit #161), 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sun­day. Quar­ter-scale steam train rides an ad­di­tional $2 or $1 for chil­dren 12 and un­der. Ad­mis­sion: $3, chil­dren 12 and un­der free with paid adult. Details: 419-721-1175 or nworrp.org.


● Maple Syrup Day and North­west Ohio Wood­land and Wild­life Fam­ily Fes­ti­val at the Wil­liams County Fair­grounds, Ohio Turn­pike, exit 13, south on 15, west on 107 to fair­grounds, break­fast avail­able at 7:30 a.m., event be­gins at 8 a.m. to noon Satur­day. Details: Wil­liams Soil and Water Con­ser­va­tion Dis­trict, 419-636-9395 or 419-636-2349, ext. 3.

Oak Har­bor

● The Oak Har­bor Area Cham­ber of Com­merce’s Easter Egg Hunt in Adol­phus Kraemer Park, Church St. at the Log Cabin, fol­lowed by a candy hunt down­town, then chil­dren visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bunny at the Portage Fire Sta­tion on Water St., 2 p.m. Satur­day. Take pho­tos with the Easter Bunny and have a chance to win one of the spe­cial Golden Egg bas­kets. Free. Details: 419-898-0479.


● March Lec­ture Ser­ies at Pear­son Metropark’s Ma­comber Lodge, 4600 Starr Ave., 2-3 p.m. Sun­day. High­light­ing flora and fauna of the Great Black Swamp. Na­ture walk fol­lows pre­sen­ta­tion. Free.

South Toledo

● Fam­ily Easter Re­source Event at the Be­lieve Center, 1 Aurora Gon­za­lez Way, 1-4 p.m. Satur­day. Easter egg hunt for chil­dren up to 10 years old at 2:30 p.m. Free. Ques­tions: 419-244-6097.

● High­land Heights Neigh­bor­hood As­so­ci­a­tion meet­ing at the Toledo Heights Li­brary in the base­ment meet­ing room, 423 Shasta Dr., 6:30 p.m. March 26. high­land­heights­neigh­bor­hood.blog­spot.com.


● Wa­ter­ville Area Cham­ber of Com­merce Lunch and Net­work­ing spon­sored by Yark at Zin­ful Res­tau­rant, 7541 Dutch Rd., 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Thurs­day. For reg­is­tra­tion, cost, de­tails: Co­rina, 419-878-5188 or min@wa­ter­vil­le­cham­ber.com.


● Vil­lage of White­house En­rich­ment Class: “What’s New in the Garden?” with Nancy Robin­son, Out­door Nurs­ery Man­ager at The Ander­sons’ Gen­eral Store in Maumee, 6 p.m. Mon­day. Reg­is­tra­tion: 419-877-5383.

Let's Eat


● North­wood VFW Post 2984, 102 W. An­drus Rd., North­wood, 9 a.m.-noon Sun­days. Cost: $5. Chil­dren’s menu also avail­able. 419-666-7762.

Fish fries

● Pro­gres­sive Fish­ing As­so­ci­a­tion’s, 7675 Schadel Rd., White­house, 5-8 p.m. Fri­days. Cost: $8 adults; $7.50 se­niors (60 and over); $5 chil­dren (11 and un­der). Details: 419-392-4715.

● Teu­to­nia Man­ner­chor-Da­men­chor’s, the Cha­let at Oak Shade Grove, 3624 Sea­man Rd., Ore­gon, 4-7:30 p.m. March 29. Alas­kan wall­eye. Full cash bar. Cost: $8 adults; chil­dren un­der 10 free. Chil­dren’s meal avail­able. Car­ry­out avail­able. Tick­ets at the door or call 419-691-4116.

● Knights of Co­lum­bus Coun­cil 3122, 4256 Se­cor Rd., 5-7 p.m. Fri­day. Fish din­ner $7.50. 419-475-6698.

● St. Paul’s Epis­co­pal Church, 798 S. Coy Rd., Ore­gon, 4-7 p.m. Fri­day. Dine in or carry out. 419-691-9400.

● St. Tho­mas Aq­ui­nas Par­ish, 729 White St., 5-7 p.m. Fri­day. Cost: $8 adults. Chil­dren’s menu: $4 for chil­dren un­der 12. 419-698-1519.

● Our Lady of Per­pet­ual Help Church, 2255 Cen­tral Grove Ave., 5-7:30 p.m. ev­ery Fri­day. Fried or baked fish. Cost: $7.75 adults; $7.25 se­niors; $4.25 chil­dren 10 and un­der. Car­ry­out avail­able. 419-382-5511

● VFW 4906, 2161 Con­saul St., 4:30 p.m. un­til sold out March 29. Yel­low perch, frog legs, shrimp (or combo of all three). Cost: $10. Fish sand­wich with chips, $5. 419-698-4411.

● New Hope Chris­tian Church, 2457 Hol­lo­way Rd., Hol­land, 4:30-7:30 p.m. March 29. Cost: $9 adults; $4 chil­dren un­der 10. 419-867-1535.

● Hol­land Amer­i­can Le­gion, 1074 Clar­ion Ave., 4:30-7:30 p.m. Fri­days. Lake perch or pol­lock. Take­out 419-865-8511.

● North­wood VFW Post 2984, 102 W. An­drus Rd., North­wood, 5-7:45 p.m. Fri­days. All-you-can-eat Alas­kan wall­eye, $8. 419-666-7762.

● Maumee Eagles 2562, 2301 Detroit Ave., Maumee, 5-8 p.m. Fri­days. All-you-can-eat pol­lock for $7.95 (dine-in only). 419-893-3821.


● All-You-Can-Eat spa­ghetti sup­per at First St. Mark’s Lu­theran Church, 1121 Grasser St., Ore­gon, 4-6 p.m. Satur­day. 50/50 Raf­fle. Tick­ets: $7 adult; $5 chil­dren 6-12. Details: 419-693-7128 or Bob Berry, 419-693-4578.

● Bar­be­cue pork rib strips and tips and fried chicken din­ner, hosted by the El­more His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety, 4 to 7 p.m. Satur­day at the his­tor­i­cal so­ci­ety barn, 353 Ot­tawa St., in El­more. Randy “The Har­mon­ica Man” will pro­vide en­ter­tain­ment. Carry out meals will also be avail­able. Pro­ceeds ben­e­fit the El­more His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety.

At the Library

Heat­h­er­downs Branch Li­brary

3265 Glanz­man Rd.; 419-259-5270.

● Pre­school sto­ry­time, 7 p.m. Mon­days and 10 a.m. Thurs­days. Call for reg­is­tra­tion.

● Tween and adult knit­ting group, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Mon­day.

Ross­ford Pub­lic Li­brary

720 Dixie Hwy.; 419-666-0924.

● Lo­cal his­to­rian Fred Fol­ger will dis­cuss the life and times of An­thony Wayne, 2 p.m. April 6.

Birming­ham Branch Li­brary

203 Paine Ave.; 419-259-5210.

● Teen­s­pace, 4 p.m. Tues­days.

● ABLE mo­bile ben­e­fit bank, 5-8 p.m. Tues­days. Free.

● Home­work helper, 3:30 p.m. Mon­days, Wed­nes­days, and Fri­days.

● Spring Into Spring, 4 p.m. to­day.

● Birming­ham book group, 2 p.m. Thurs­day.

● Tax help, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. April 2 and 9.

Genoa Branch Li­brary

602 West St.; 419-855-3380.

● Book dis­cus­sion groups: morn­ing group 9:30 a.m. Thurs­day; eve­ning group meets 7 p.m. Tues­day.

Locke Branch Li­brary

703 Miami St., Toledo; 419-259-5310.

● Crafter­noons, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Wed­nes­days.

● Pup­pets from the Magic Bas­ket, 6 p.m. April 23.

Wal­bridge Branch Li­brary

108 N. Main St.; 419-666-9900.

● Fam­ily sto­ry­time, 11 a.m. Tues­days and 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wed­nes­days.

Way Pub­lic Li­brary

101 E. In­di­ana Ave., Per­rys­burg; 419-874-3135.

● Asian carp in the Great Lakes dis­cus­sion, 7 p.m. to­day. Re­fresh­ments served.

● Reel Opin­ions Me­dia se­ries, 10 a.m. Thurs­day.

● Book dis­cus­sion, 2 p.m. Wed­nes­day.

● Get Crafty event, 3 p.m. Fri­day.

Wa­ter­ville Branch Li­brary

800 Mich­i­gan Ave., Wa­ter­ville; 419-878-3055.

● Tod­dler sto­ry­time, 10 a.m. Wed­nes­day. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Pre­school sto­ry­time, 10 a.m. Thurs­day. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Baby­time, 10 a.m. Fri­day. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Home­school book club, 2-3 p.m. Wed­nes­day. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Sit! Stay! Read!, 7-8 p.m. Tues­days. Grades K-5. Call to reg­is­ter.

● Erin Hunter’s The War­rior clan gath­er­ing, 7 p.m. to­day. Grades 4-8.

White­house Com­mu­nity Li­brary

10615 Wa­ter­ville St., White­house; 419-877-9088.

● Spring party, 10:30 a.m.-noon April 6. Sto­ries, crafts, and re­fresh­ments.

Senior Citizens' Activities

Genoa Se­nior Center

514 Main St.; 419-855-4491.

Open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Mon­days, Wed­nes­days, and Fri­days.

Lunch at 11:30 a.m.; $3.

North­east Area Se­nior Center

705 N. Main St. Wal­bridge; 419-260-3228

Birth­day cel­e­bra­tion, noon Wed­nes­day.

Energy sav­ings sem­i­nar, 12:30 p.m. March 25.

Mon­clova Com­mu­nity Center

8115 Mon­clova Rd.; 419-861-1336.

Weekly lunch at 11:30 a.m. Tues­days, $2 do­na­tion. Res­er­va­tions due the Mon­day be­fore.

Body Re­call ex­er­cise at 9:15 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mon­days, Wed­nes­days, and Fri­days.

Free 60-plus health screen­ings, 1:30-3:30 p.m. the fourth Tues­day of each month.

Per­rys­burg Area Se­nior Center

140 W. In­di­ana Ave.; 419-874-0847.

Gro­cery shop­ping, by ap­point­ment. Res­er­va­tions re­quired.

Birth­day cel­e­bra­tion, noon Wed­nes­day.

Tex­ting 101, 1 p.m. March 25. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired by Thurs­day.

Wood County Se­nior Center

305 N. Main St., Bowl­ing Green; 419-353-5661

Yoga, 6-7 p.m. Wed­nes­days. $20 for 8 weeks. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

BG Knit­ters Guild, 6 p.m. Wed­nes­day.

In­ter­na­tional Fun Day cel­e­bra­tion, 11:15 a.m. March 25.

Laugh­ter Ther­apy Club, 4:30 p.m. March 28. Reg­is­ter by Thurs­day.