Kent Herrick resigns Tecumseh board, chairman positions


ANN ARBOR — Tecumseh Products Co. announced Monday that Kent B. Herrick has resigned as a member of the board of directors and its chairman.

Mr. Herrick, 43, is the great- grandson of company founder Ray Herrick. He was executive vice president of the company until he was ousted in 2007. He gained a seat on the board that same year as part of the settlement of a lawsuit. He became chairman in 2009.

The manufacturer of compressors for air conditioners, refrigerators, and water coolers moved from Tecumseh to Ann Arbor in 2008.

The Herrick family managed the company for nearly three-quarters of a century until Kent Herrick and his father, Todd Herrick, were fired from their management posts. Todd Herrick was the firm’s longtime chief exeuctive officer.

A Tecumseh Products statement said the company “was advised by Mr. Herrick that his resignation was driven by the pace of the strategic decision-making by the company. The company is grateful for Mr. Herrick’s long service and his many important contributions to Tecumseh in various executive roles.”