Napoleon laundry company facing fines after federal officials' inspection in September


A Henry County laundry firm has been fined $11,900 by federal officials after an inspection in September at the firm's cleaning operations found several workplace safety violations.

Buckeye Launderers and Cleaners LLC, of Napoleon, was found to have six "Serious" violations and three "Other-than-Serious" violations during a Sept. 20 inspection by officials of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The violations included not training employees on the hazards of the chemicals they used, not assuring that suitable facilities for quick drenching of eyes and body in a chemical storage area were in working order, and not assuring employees were adequately trained to shutdown a multi-roll ironer when unjamming sheets from the machine.

The firm has 15 days from the filing of the fine to appeal, request a conference with OSHA officials, or pay the fine.