No college for illegal aliens


Enough is enough. Texas, California, and the U.S. Congress are considering legislation to open the doors of colleges to illegal residents. The measures should be rejected.

Supporters say giving illegal aliens access to American colleges and universities would be a natural move following the 19-year-old U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allowed them to obtain a K-12 public education. Opponents cite the basic unfairness to Americans.

They are right, even if tuition for illegal aliens is set above that which American students pay to attend a college out of their home state. It's enough that the children of illegal aliens strain already-overburdened public schools. Why should aliens have the benefit of an American college education when they are not in the country legally in the first place?

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is considering whether to sign a bill to let illegal aliens go to college if they pay higher-education tuition. The Dallas legislator who sponsored the measure said that undocumented students would not have access to federally funded financial aid. Well, that's a relief. Although college costs are likely to be prohibitive for most illegal aliens, it's still not right to allow them to enroll in and attend classes at colleges.

Absolutely it's a shame when especially bright students from anywhere do not go to college. They should have access to higher education and they should be able to obtain financial aid if they qualify. But if they are aliens, they should be required to become documented residents in this country.

An illegal alien who graduated from a Texas public high school wants to go to college and continue her education. She took note that some Americans don't even go to college, or else they quit before graduating. Of course that happens.

But the question that must be posed to illegal immigrants is this: Why not obtain legal immigrant status, or become naturalized Americans? It's enough that illegal aliens are in public schools. It's morally wrong to give access to college to people who are not here legally.