Single vote sends Evergreen levy to winner's circle


METAMORA - Following a recount and certification, the tax levy for Evergreen Local Schools still has passed - by one vote.

The unofficial count on election night showed the 2.4-mill replacement levy passing by a single ballot, 391-390, with four Fulton County votes from walk-ins yet to be counted.

Walk-in votes cannot be counted until certification. On Saturday, officials counted two yes votes and two no votes, giving the levy passage, 393-392, Gloria Marlatt, Fulton County board of elections director, said yesterday.

Lucas County had no walk-in votes to count and certified its election-night count - 65 for and 134 against the issue.

The votes were recounted by mandate since the margin was less than a half-percent. “I guess the old adage that every vote counts really applied,” said a relieved Russell Griggs, Evergreen superintendent. The rural school district has an enrollment of about 1,400 students.

The Evergreen board of education passed a resolution to place the levy on the August ballot in case it failed to be certified. The resolution will be rescinded, the superintendent said.

“We're very pleased that's out of the way,” Mr. Griggs said. “We can concentrate on construction of the new high school and work on getting funding from the state facilities commission for building a new elementary school.”