Closing of rail crossing adds to traffic detour near Owens


CSX unexpectedly closed a busy railroad crossing near Owens Community College for repairs yesterday, adding to the detour some motorists face around bridge construction on Wales Road.

The Oregon Road crossing just north of the Perrysburg Township campus probably will be closed for the rest of the week, said Tony Allion, the Wood County engineer. He said his office and the railroad had been trading telephone messages about scheduling the repair work but had not agreed to the closing when the CSX crew went to work yesterday morning.

A detour has been posted using Walbridge, Tracy, and Reuthinger roads, Mr. Allion said. Beth Church, the public relations director at Owens, said she had been told the crossing would remain closed through Thursday. But Mr. Allion said it could last through Friday, if not longer, because CSX had been proposing a five-day closing. CSX representatives familiar with the project were not available for comment yesterday.

Ms. Church said the crossing should be smoother when the work is done because an inactive track is to be removed during the repairs. Oregon Road is part of the detour route for motorists who ordinarily would use the Wales Road interchange on I-75 to reach Owens or other destinations in northern Perrysburg Township.

The Wales bridge and southbound interchange ramps are closed for reconstruction until early September.