Doors open on Bowling Green's student union

ROV removing 01 - 011402 - Jeff Stone, up top, concentrates on figuring out how the center post of the door in the new BGSU student union comes out as Field Borton, left and Frank Melchor, co-workers with Gem Industries help out. The post had to be removed so the mobile lift that Stone was using could be moved inside the newly remodled building. The Blade/Allan Detrich
ROV removing 01 - 011402 - Jeff Stone, up top, concentrates on figuring out how the center post of the door in the new BGSU student union comes out as Field Borton, left and Frank Melchor, co-workers with Gem Industries help out. The post had to be removed so the mobile lift that Stone was using could be moved inside the newly remodled building. The Blade/Allan Detrich

Jeff Stone, top, concentrates on where the center post of a door should go in the new Bowen-Thompson Student Union at Bowling Green State University as Field Borton, left, and Frank Melchor, his co-workers with Gem Industries, help out.

The post had to be removed so the mobile lift Mr. Stone was using could be moved inside. Despite a few finishing touches, the $33 million center opened yesterday. The new student union is double its former size.