Building a bridge

cty photo by don simmons feb 22, 2002  high school students attending the women in science,math,enginerring, and technology which was held at bgsu work on making a bridge out of spaghetti, rubber bands and modeling clay.  l to r krystle stockmaster, carla groves, rhiannon barciz, and marcy schiefer,  all sophmores  from wymford high school in bucyrus, ohio
cty photo by don simmons feb 22, 2002 high school students attending the women in science,math,enginerring, and technology which was held at bgsu work on making a bridge out of spaghetti, rubber bands and modeling clay. l to r krystle stockmaster, carla groves, rhiannon barciz, and marcy schiefer, all sophmores from wymford high school in bucyrus, ohio

Sophomores, from left, Krystle Stockmaster, Carla Groves, Rhiannon Barciz, and Marcy Schiefer work on making a bridge out of spaghetti, rubber bands, and modeling clay.

The students, all from Wynford High School near Bucyrus, Ohio, were among 300 girls at Bowling Green State University's ‘Women in Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology' workshop in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union yesterday.

Teams of students from Perrysburg and Libbey high schools were recognized as the winners of the building competition.