No gain without pain

reg rover11p A June, 11, 2002. B.J. Johnson, 13, lifts weights for the upcoming football season as his friends Carey Clum, 13, and junior Adam Urban spot Tuesday at True Lay Stadium in Port Clinton, O. Johnson will play eighth grade football in the fall. Blade photo by Jeremy Wadsworth
reg rover11p A June, 11, 2002. B.J. Johnson, 13, lifts weights for the upcoming football season as his friends Carey Clum, 13, and junior Adam Urban spot Tuesday at True Lay Stadium in Port Clinton, O. Johnson will play eighth grade football in the fall. Blade photo by Jeremy Wadsworth

B.J. Johnson, 13, strains against the burn as he lifts weights for the coming football season while his friends, Carey Clum, 13, left, and Adam Urban, a junior at Port Clinton High, spot for him at True Lay Stadium.

B.J. plans to try out for eighth-grade football in the fall.