Ohio State's past presidents


Ohio State University trustees have selected Karen Holbrook to be the school's first woman president. Her predecessors and their years of service:

Past president Edward Harrington Jennings (interim), since July 1.

William English Kirwan, July 1, 1998, to June 30.

John Richard Sisson (acting), Jan. 1, 1998, to June 30, 1998.

Elwood Gordon Gee, Sept. 1, 1990 to Dec. 31, 1997.

Jennings, Sept. 1, 1981, to Aug. 31, 1990.

Harold Leroy Enarson, Sept. 1, 1972 to Aug. 31, 1981.

Novice Gail Fawcett, Aug. 1, 1956, to Aug. 31, 1972.

Howard Landis Bevis, Feb. 1, 1940, to July 31, 1956.

William McPherson (acting), July 1, 1938 to March 1, 1940.

George Washington Rightmire, 1926 to 1938.

William Oxley Thompson, 1899 to 1925.

James Hulme Canfield, 1895 to 1899.

William Henry Scott, 1883 to 1895.

Walter Quincy Scott, 1881 to 1883.

Edward Orton Sr., 1873 to 1881.