Anthony Wayne Local: District to revise vision for growth


The Anthony Wayne Local School District is revising its vision for the future to deal with rapid growth, more mandatory testing, and changing demographics in the surrounding community.

A draft of the district's new strategic plan calls for officials to explore different strategies for helping students learn, such as setting up a digital academy and starting a transitional program for incoming freshmen who are at risk of poor academic achievement. The plan also says the district needs to study its long-term facility needs and find more ways to reach out to "empty nesters" in the area.

"We really look at the plan as a blueprint," Superintendent Randy Hardy said. "It's important for the community to see how we plan to react to things and how we plan to develop."

The strategic plan draft says administrators should devise a plan for school facilities that would accommodate increasing enrollment. School officials expect that the district will need new facilities within the next five years. Administrators will present several options for facility changes at a school board work session on Wednesday.