Swanton's school board delays action on $40 stipend


SWANTON - Board of Education members last night put off any action on whether they should reinstate the $40-a-month stipend for each member attending meetings in the district.

Superintendent Robin Rayfield, a former board member in the Pike-Delta-York School District, said he appreciates the amount of time board members devote to their duties and the amount of time away from their families during the meetings. He said board members do important work for the district, but it puts the board in a tough spot to say members want to be paid.

After board president Bill Green questioned the legality of taking action on current members' pay, the discussion was put on hold until Mr. Rayfield obtains additional information.

In February, 2003, board members voted to donate the $40-a-month stipend to the district. At the time, the board was discussing teacher layoffs. Staff reductions and other cuts were later made. Last year, voters in the district approved a 1.25 percent income tax described as critical to the financial future of Swanton schools.