Student of the Week: Zachary Morris


Zachary Morris, a sophomore from Toledo, hopes to pursue a career as a high school history teacher. His favorite subjects include American history, science and English and he carries a 3.4 grade point average.

Zachary has received awards, including for his performance in the play Romeo and Juliet for volunteering the most community hours; for his participation at the science olympiad and for perfect attendance. He is on the school honor roll.

He is a member of the Web Design Club; has been involved with Habitat for Humanity; and participated in various community projects including a benefit for cystic fibrosis.

"Zach is always smiling," said counselor Lynne McAbier. "He is very giving of his time and helps everyone. Zach is going to be a very successful teacher because he is a caring young man."

Zachary is the son of Randall and Annette Morris.

-The student of the week accolades are compiled by the Lucas County Educational Service Center for The Blade.