Washington Local board slams Taft tax overhaul


Washington Local school officials last night criticized Gov. Bob Taft's proposed overhaul of the state tax code, saying it would rake away vital revenue that residential taxpayers likely will have to replace.

"It is going to be devastating to Washington Local," Superintendent Michael Carmean told the Board of Education. The school district's total 2004-05 budget is $69.9 million.

It's still too early to tell exactly what the district will do to adjust if the proposals become law. Mr. Taft's plan would eliminate the tangible personal property tax on machinery and equipment over two years, which last year netted $10.5 million for Washington Local.

Also called for is the end of a group of payments to Washington Local that last year totaled $3.25 million. The payments were in lieu of taxes by companies that have been granted tax abatement, Mr. Carmean said.

"What it is going to do is put the burden on the local homeowner," Mr. Carmean said of the pair of proposals. "I hope the community is watching. It is going to cause major havoc down the road."