Gorham Fayette board approves 3-year pact


FAYETTE, Ohio A three-year contract with the 16 members of Ohio Association of Public School Employees Chapter 21 was approved yesterday by the Gorham Fayette board of education.

The contract, covering bus drivers, secretaries, cooks, custodians, and paraprofessionals, provides for annual raises, starting with a 3.5 percent raise the first year and then 3 percent for each of the two remaining years of the agreement.

The contract also establishes a pay scale, Superintendent David Hankins said.

In the past, if an experienced person left after 30 years, the replacement was hired in at the same pay level.

Now, the pay scale will be used to determine starting wages for new employees.

The union already has ratified the contract.

The former contract expired July 1, 2004; employees worked under terms of that contract during the months of negotiations.