Northwood: Teacher of the Month - Kristel Shutt James


Kristel Shutt James is a master teacher. In addition to teaching English, film, and yearbook, Kristel is a Professional Development Committee member, a Martha Holden Jennings Scholar, a member of the School and District Improvement Team, adviser to numerous student advisory groups, and creator of the Annual Academic Showcase.

She challenges her students to improve every day, and she takes very seriously her obligation to prepare them for college or work. She is always prepared and continually challenges herself to do better.

"Kris James is an indispensable member of our staff," said principal Joe Gagel. "In addition to serving as a master teacher, she works with our students outside the classroom. She supports our students in academics, athletics, the arts, and many activity groups. Kris impacts lives for the better."

Mrs. James has a master of science degree in education from Marygrove College and a bachelor's degree in English and Humanities from Bluffton University.

- Teacher of the month accolades are compiled by the Lucas County Educational Service Center for The Blade.