Springfield: Student of the Week - Jenalle Eck


Jenalle Eck, a senior from Holland, plans to attend a four-year college, majoring in psychology. She enjoys science and English and carries a 4.2 grade point average.

She is winner of the school's Laws of Life essay contest and is recipient of the honors physics award. She is ranked No. 5 in her class. Jenalle is a member of the varsity track team, drama club, and National Honor Society.

She is involved with volunteer work through the National Honor Society, helping with local events such as Taste of the Town and walks for charitable organizations.

"Jenalle is a very introspective bright young person who is definitely of her own mind," said social studies teacher Anne O'Leary. "She is not a follower, but a true leader of her principles."

Jenalle is the daughter of Evelyn Evans-Eck.