Archbold schools eye levy to eliminate $3.4M deficit


ARCHBOLD, Ohio Schools Superintendent Ken Cline yesterday recommended that the board of education consider placing a five-year emergency levy on the May ballot that would raise an amount equal to the district s $3.4 million projected deficit for 2008.

Mr. Cline also recommended that the board decide the matter during its December meeting.

The district, which has not been on the ballot since 1993 for operating funds, faces significant reductions in revenue related to changes in state tax laws. Ohio House Bill 66, which took effect in July, will eliminate tax-abatement agreements over the next four years, costing Archbold $560,000 in lost revenue. The district also will lose millions of dollars in the coming years as a result of the bill s other tax changes. A large portion of the district s tax base is made up of industries.