2 Monroe school districts vote today


MONROE - Voters in some sections of Monroe and Hillsdale counties will head to the polls today to cast ballots in two school funding issues and on the recall of four local elected officials.

In Monroe County, Jefferson and Airport schools have funding requests on today's ballot.

Jefferson is seeking a 2.5-mill, five-year levy for transportation. It will cost taxpayers owning a house with a value of $100,000 about $250 a year.

Meanwhile, Airport is seeking passage of an 0.85-mill, two-year sinking fund to raise about $1 million for roof renovation at the high school and Wagar Middle School. Voters have rejected previous attempts by Airport officials to address the district's capital needs.

Two township supervisors in Monroe County will try to hang onto their jobs today.

Recall petitions circulated for London Township's Kris Neuvirth allege that he failed to follow board directives, spent money on professional services without board approval, and violated the Michigan Open Meetings Act last July.

Ash Township's Robin Carmack is accused in the recall petitions circulated against him of failing to enforce zoning regulations, canceling tickets written by the township's ordinance officer, and malfeasance in office.

In written statements contained on today's ballot, both men deny the charges.

Meanwhile, voters in Hillsdale County's Litchfield Community School District will decide whether to recall two remaining school board members of the four originally slated for recall.

Board members James Friedline and Steve Wade are the subjects of recall questions on today's ballot. Two other board members targeted for removal have already resigned their posts.

Polls in these locations are open between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. today. No other communities in Monroe, Lenawee, or Hillsdale counties have elections scheduled for today.