Eastwood hires administrators


PEMBERVILLE, Ohio - When the Eastwood Local School District again asks voters to pass additional funding at election time, it will be with a new administrative team.

The Board of Education voted unanimously last night to ask the Wood County auditor to certify an emergency levy for the Aug. 8 ballot that would generate about $780,000 annually, which would require about 3.9 mills.

Also, during the meeting, the board hired a new superintendent, high school principal, and assistant high school principal/athletic director.

The board called a special meeting for 7 a.m. Thursday so it can ask the county's elections board to place the measure on the ballot.

If the emergency levy is passed, board member Bob Kuhlman said the district plans to turn around and ask voters in November to pass a 0.5 percent income tax to get the $1.7 million a year that officials said the district needs.

"We really needed to come up with something the people can and will approve," Superintendent Bill McFarland said.

Voters narrowly rejected a five-year, 1 percent income tax for current operating expenses in the May primary. Officials wanted to replace a five-year, 8.9-mill operating levy that expires this year with an income tax.

The district will try to garner support for their new, two-pronged funding request under a new superintendent: current Eastwood High School Principal Brent Welker.

When Mr. Welker was hired just a year ago, board President Denis Helm said he expressed interest in the superintendent's position when Mr. McFarland announced his retirement this school year.

Mr. Welker was the only candidate interviewed for the job because Mr. Helm said the board felt it already had the best candidate internally. He will be paid $85,000 a year.

Jeffrey Hill, hired as the high school's assistant principal/athletic director less than a month ago, was bumped up to high school principal with a $72,185 salary.

To replace Mr. Hill, the board hired Troy Slattman, an assistant high school principal at Sidney City Schools, located north of Dayton, who has been in education for 12 years. He will be paid $69,312 a year.

All three two-year contracts will begin Aug. 1.