Clay assistant principal named year's best in state


The assistant principal at Clay High School in Oregon has been named Ohio State Assistant Principal of the Year.

Loren Dirr was given the honor by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, which annually honors a single winner from each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Department of Defense Education Activity schools.

From that pool, one national winner will be chosen at a black-tie event on April 27 and 28 in Washington.

For winning the 2007 Ohio award, Mr. Dirr, who has been with the Oregon City School District for more than 33 years, will be recognized on Tuesday at the state assistant principals convention in Columbus. "I couldn't believe I won," he said. "I just entered because the principal wanted me to, and I forgot about it because I thought it was such a long shot."

Clay Principal Mike Zalar said he nominated Mr. Dirr for the award because he wanted him to receive some recognition for his hard work over the years. "He's really gone above and beyond the expectations of that particular assignment," Mr. Zalar said. "He's been a great assistant principal."

To be eligible for the award, Mr. Dirr had to demonstrate success in collaborative leadership, curriculum instruction and assessment, and personalization, which includes interacting professionally with others.