Springfield schools to put sports facilities levy on ballot


Springfield Local Board of Education excused themselves from the district s annual back-to-school community picnic last evening and reconvened to approve placing a bond levy on the November ballot to finance an overhaul of athletic facilities.

The board s vote was 4-0. Board member Nancy Decker was absent.

District officials have said the measure is, in effect, a no-new-taxes bond levy similar to that approved by voters in March, 2004, to pay for building improvements.

In this case, an existing bond levy expires in 2010. With voter approval, the expiration would be extended to 2020 and the new bond levy would be rolled into the 3 mills the school system currently collects for debt service.

Owners of a $100,000 home would continue to pay $25 a year if the issue is approved, said Kristina White, Springfield schools community liaison.

Superintendent Cynthia Beekley said the bond levy would generate just under $7 million.