Bowling Green schools set forum on auditorium design


BOWLING GREEN A third community forum on the design of a new auditorium for Bowling Green City Schools is set for 7 p.m. Thursday at the central administration building.

M. David Egan, an acoustics expert from Anderson, S.C., will be at the forum, which will focus on the acoustical design of the facility. The auditorium and a new junior high school are to be built on the high school campus on West Poe Road with proceeds from a $27.5 million bond issue approved by voters last November.

Superintendent Hugh Caumartin said the Maumee-based Buehrer Group, which is designing both the auditorium and the junior high, expects to have final plans for the buildings to the school board by January so that the board can seek bids in February.

Construction is to begin next spring with an expected opening date for the new school in the fall of 2009.