Penta approves sale of campus to Owens


The Penta Career Center's Board of Education yesterday unanimously approved the sale of its former campus to Owens Community College.

Board members voted 10-0 to sell the campus at 30095 Oregon Rd. to the college for $6 million.

Owens' board of trustees voted last week to authorize the college president and treasurer to sign a purchase agreement for the property, which is adjacent to the college's Perrysburg Township campus.

The sale is contingent on the state Controlling Board releasing the funds. That action is scheduled as part of the state board's meeting on Monday.

If the purchase is approved, the career center and college plan to complete the deal by June 30.

Penta's new campus is a 522,000-square-foot, $90.6 million facility off Buck Road between Bates and Lime City roads in Perrysburg Township.

The career center plans to move into the new school during the summer and begin the upcoming school year there on Sept. 2.

Owens officials, in a statement, said that once renovated, the Penta facilities will allow the college to expand academic programs and to create a University Center, where students can complete a four-year degree with partner four-year colleges and universities.

Penta and Owens have discussed the sale of Penta's old campus to the college for about 2 1/2 years.