Keep Scott in state program, Toledo Public Schools urged


Scott High School renovation advocates told the Toledo School Board and district administrators yesterday the school deserves to be in the building program and renovated.

About a dozen people gathered outside the administration building with large signs that read, "Renovate our beloved Scott High School" and "S.O.S. - Save Our Scott."

"It's mind-boggling to me that anything other than renovating is under consideration," said Jeff Nelson, an Old West End resident who organized the demonstration.

The board made no decision yesterday on the fate of the school on Collingwood Boulevard, which opened in 1912.

Meetings of the Ohio School Facilities Commission committee and the full school board are being planned for next month to decide Scott's future.

The OSFC, which provides 77 percent of the funding for the district's building project, requires a full renovation of Scott with a $39 million price tag, while only giving $25 million.

School officials say the district does not have the $14 million difference.

Taking Scott out of the building plan would allow a more flexible design and timeline for renovation.

"The biggest issue is as a district, we can't just focus on Scott," Board President Steven Steel said.

"We have to think of the finances, the timeline - all of the aspects of the building plan for all the schools," he added.