Ex-Toledo schools manager gets audit


State Auditor Mary Taylor announced yesterday that her office will conduct a special audit investigation into the past financial activities of former Toledo Public Schools business manager Daniel Burns, who is now on leave from his job as chief operating officer of Cleveland schools.

"We have initiated a special audit that will examine financial transactions and vendor relationships that Mr. Burns managed at both schools," Ms. Taylor said in a written statement released last night. "If we uncover anything else that looks suspicious during the course of our review, we will investigate those issues as well."

The Cleveland school district placed Mr. Burns, 53, and his assistant on paid administrative leave earlier this month after a routine annual examination raised questions about the purchase of equipment worth at least $160,000.

Mr. Burns left TPS for the Cleveland job in June, 2006, after more than 30 years with the district. He departed with Eugene Sanders, the former Toledo superintendent who is now chief executive officer of the Cleveland district.

TPS officials requested a special state audit of local district finances soon after learning of the investigation involving Mr. Burns in Cleveland. The Cuyahoga County sheriff's office is also investigating.